CSN PRESS ROOM - International Peace Coalition responds to Putin's changed nuclear doctrine
PRESS RELEASE - 09/26/24
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CSNews September 26, 2024 Contact H. Noerenberg CanadianShareableNews@proton.me
Journalists with an interest in Diplomacy, Foreign Affairs, Military Strategy, Technology & Defence, Nuclear Fallout, Russian & Ukrainian Studies, Southwestern Asia/Middle Eastern Studies, Muslim-Jewish-Christian Dialogue and Peace through Development are invited to listen in to the 69th online meeting of the International Peace Coalition (IPC) on Friday, September 27, at 11am EDT. Two weeks ago on Friday September 14, guest presenter Dr. Ted Postol, MIT professor emeritus and one of the world’s foremost experts on nuclear weapons, outlined the very real consequences for the planet should the current escalation between NATO and Russia not be reversed. Last week, guests included Jonathan Kuttab, the co-founder of Non-Violence International and Mossi Raz, former Member of the Knesset, and former Director General of Peace Now. Also on the agenda, former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter and Ecuadorian writer, professor and UN consultant, Fernando Garzon.
Organized by the non-partisan US-based Schiller Institute, IPC meetings attract leaders of citizen groups on nearly every continent to jointly work at promoting peace, disarmament, and improved international relations. For 68 weeks, IPC initiator, Helga Zepp-LaRouche has been pointing at the collapse of the transatlantic financial system based in the City of London and Wall Street and has proposed the Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture as a viable alternative.
Canadian politicians have taken the lead of Canada’s Departments of Global Affairs and Defense to uphold a pro-Ukrainian, anti-Russia position and are participating in the current military escalation being observed internationally, as well as in the related active de-industrialization of Germany and other European nations. Canadian journalists have the ethical requirement to ensure they present a diversity of viewpoints. The petition launched by the IPC entitled Declaration of Independence from Imminent Nuclear War: Begin Negotiations for Peace Now provides Canadians with valuable insight into an evidence-based set of geopolitical understandings that stands in stark contrast to Canada’s current foreign policy.
To review summaries of past meetings and to request the link to participate in the 69th session on Friday, September 27, at 11am EDT, see schillerinstitute.com/international-peace-coalition/. A copy of the event announcement follows:
International Peace Coalition Meeting
September 27, 2024, 11am ET
The 69th weekly meeting of the International Peace Coalition will be held on Friday, Sept. 27 at 11 a.m. ET.
Zoom Webinar
German, Spanish and French interpretation
RSVP here:
On Wednesday Sept. 25, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced proposed revisions of Russia’s standing doctrine for the use of nuclear weapons, which significantly lowers the threshold for their use – at exactly the moment that new military action by the United States and NATO, acting through Ukraine, is about to cross that threshold. Unless Washington’s policy of seeking the strategic destruction of Russia is changed immediately, the world stands at the brink of global thermonuclear warfare.
“The use of nuclear forces is an extreme measure to protect the country’s sovereignty,” Putin began his 4-minute statement. “Today, the nuclear triad remains the most important guarantee to ensure the security of our state and citizens… At the same time, we see that the modern military political situation is changing dynamically.” For that reason, Putin announced, Russia’s proposed new nuclear doctrine states that “aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear state, but with a participation or support of a nuclear state, should be considered a joint attack on the Russian Federation.”
Putin further announced that Russia will “consider such a possibility [of using nuclear weapons – ed.] as soon as reliable information is obtained about the mass launch of an aerospace attack and the crossing of our state borders. This includes strategic or tactical aircraft, cruise missiles, drones, hypersonic and other airborne vehicles.”
Putin further announced that Russia will “consider such a possibility [of using nuclear weapons – ed.] as soon as reliable information is obtained about the mass launch of an aerospace attack and the crossing of our state borders. This includes strategic or tactical aircraft, cruise missiles, drones, hypersonic and other airborne vehicles.”
Putin made this announcement at a regular meeting of Russia’s Security Council which was broadcast live. It was timed to occur 24 hours prior to the scheduled Sept. 26 meeting of President Joe Biden and Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky. That meeting will focus on whether or not Washington will finally give the green light for launching NATO’s sophisticated-guidance, long-range missiles (such as Britain’s Storm Shadow cruise missiles) against Russia from the territory of Ukraine.
As former UN weapons inspector and Marine intelligence officer Scott Ritter made clear at last week’s meeting of the International Peace Coalition: “So, when a Storm Shadow is fired against a target inside Russia, it is literally being targeted by NATO. NATO is approving the target, and facilitating the use of this weapons system against the target” through sophisticated guidance systems which use real-time encrypted GPS signals from U.S. and other NATO satellites.
Launching such weapons would now clearly fall within Russia’s guidelines for permitted nuclear response.
Will Biden – or more accurately, Collective Biden – sign off on the demented plan, which originates in London? Numerous Western media, such as The Hill and MSN, wrote today that “reports suggest Biden is on the verge of allowing Ukraine to launch the long-range weapons.”
Americans and Europeans have to make their voices heard ASAP. And the rest of the world, gathered at the UN General Assembly now underway in New York City, and aghast at the wars sweeping the planet, must weigh in forcibly to demand a negotiated solution to the Ukraine crisis – and the Israel-Palestine war as well – based on achieving peace through common development.
There are proposals on the table to do just that. China and Brazil have called a meeting at the UN on Friday Sept. 27, inviting 20 leading nations to discuss their peace plan for a negotiated solution to the Ukraine war.
As Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche insisted today: “It would be so easy for the West to plug in, as equals, to what China and the BRICS are doing to make the world a better place.”