With tools for Canadian Journalists and the news-watching public
In today’s fast-paced and overwhelming news environment, it is hard to keep on top of truly important stories. Well-intentioned journalists may need to follow news company guidelines and processes which leads to key topics and crucial context being missed. And everyone only has 24 hours in the day (minus at least a bit of time for sleep!) so it is physically impossible to be on top of every new development within one’s beat.
Journalists have come to rely on newswire services for their leads, but these are often captured by corporate interests and choose NOT to follow key stories, or to approach them from one perspective only. Journalists who seek to go above and beyond are being cautioned not to fall into the ‘trap’ of ‘false balance’ — which is described as trying to treat two opposing positions as equally valid whey they are not. Unfortunately, this prohibition puts the determination of which view is valid into the hands of those who often typically benefit financially by censoring out the evolving research, knowledge and insights which supports the so-called ‘invalid’ position. As time goes by, the formerly highly promoted position loses the evidence battle, but entrenched media organizations are purposefully blind to that fact. And journalists not connected to sidelined sources of evidence-based research are left ‘out of the loop’.
So, what are journalists to do?
Canadian Shareable News is launching two services to support them:
WEEKLY SHORTS - A shortcut to the headlines we follow on a weekly basis at Canadian Shareable News - saving you the time of digging through reports & news analysis you likely haven’t heard of yet - arranged by topic, to allow for easy navigation and access. (Update as of January 2025: Starting with Issue 41, Scrum Time—Questions Worth Asking will be included in each weekly issue of Canadian Shareable News instead of being uploaded separately in the CSN Press Room.)
EXAMPLES OF THE CRITICAL BALANCE REPORTING TEST IN USE - The Critical Balance Reporting Test is an easily accessible verification tool that assists both writers and readers in knowing whether they are dealing with reporting that both maintains journalistic integrity and ensures the public trust. (Update as of January 2025 - This Test will be posted soon. Sorry about the delay.)
Canadian Shareable News will also further expand previously launched sections including:
REFERENCES where we post thoughtful backgrounders of interest to journalists and news watchers alike
QUIZZES where we give readers a chance to test whether knowledge picked up over the years still stands the test of time
THE HISTORIAN’S BOOKSHELF where we ponder lessons learned in the past to avoid repeating mistakes in the present
What is Canadians Shareable News?
Launched 26 weeks ago at, CSNews arose as an initiative to make the work of censored professional intelligence officials, medical and scientific research professionals, economic analysts, investigative reporters and a range of citizen journalists and activists more accessible to the public. Drawing heavily from the uncensored professional online platform known as, the team at CanadianShareableNews curates stories of keen interest to Canadians on a weekly basis, summarizing them in brief tidbits and directing interested readers to the full sources.
Weekly CanadianShareableNews publications include both a downloadable PDF that can be printed and circulated from person to person, as well as a full substack post linking to sidelined and censored news sources from parts of Canada, the US, Europe and occasionally from other parts of the world. Stories cover a range of human interest topics including War & Peace with a focus on the emerging multi-polar world order; Toxin Watch, including Geoengineering; Health updates, including updates on litigation and breaking research to do with COVID-19 and more. A regular feature, called Homegrown Heroes, profiles ordinary Canadians who for a range of reasons have gone far beyond ‘the call of duty’ to draw attention to various injustices perpetuated through a range of well-intentioned but ill-informed policy making. Often, an effort is made to locate the same story on Canadian media outlets and newswire services like Canadian Press, Associated Press or Reuters - with disappointing results.
When half the population is only apprised of half of the reports and analysis of half of the topics, it is little wonder that society is becoming increasingly polarized. Decision makers who access only half the information, and have no inkling of the existence let alone the validity of information they are missing, inevitably make flawed decisions that lead to seriously negative consequences.
Canadian Shareable News - Statement of Principles
We are against censorship and for dialogue;
We are against globalist interests and for local, regional and national interests;
We are against warmongering and for peace making;
We are against corporate capture of our institutions and for a renewal of institutional structures to corruption-proof them;
We are against ‘disinformation by omission’ and purposely seek the inclusion of ‘inconvenient’ topics, angles and truths;
We are against ‘loyalty to the narrative’ and for critical questioning, intellectual rigour, full debate and informed decision-making;
We are against the prohibition to ‘not hurt someone’s feelings’ when the truth hurts, but for compassionate honesty;
We are against ‘virtue signalling’, i.e., supporting the ‘flavour of the day’ to curry favour with others and prefer instead to follow the facts where they lead;
We are against ‘one-sideism’ and the amplification of corporate backed narratives and we call for the inclusion of expert voices, allowing them to share their areas of knowledge for the good of all;
While some of us may be active in political parties, others not so much or not at all, we believe in ‘speaking truth to power’ and in enabling our elected officials and societal decision makers to have the tools to fully understand the depth of complex issues.
To that end, we seek to educate professional journalists, citizen and activist journalists, key communicators in all organizations as well as the general public to discern the difference between media that serves to amplify agendas and media that supports full and informed democratic decision making.
Who is behind Canadian Shareable News?
The founder and lead editor/curator/author, Hannah Noerenberg, sees her current role of public educator as a natural outgrowth of her 35 year career as an Alberta public high school teacher. With both a Bachelor and Master’s degree in Education, she has honed skills in breaking down a wide range of subject content and concepts (in Second Language teaching, including English as a Second Language, Social Studies, Career & Life Management, Financial Management and more) to present these in an accessible manner to lay audiences. Previously seconded to the local school board as well as to Alberta Education and the University of Alberta, she has filled various positions of leadership and support, giving her an understanding of the progression of information flows in key institutions. As a decades-long health advocate for a family member, she is no stranger to medical literature and the fact that, given the speed at which medical & scientific research evolves, physicians cannot be on top of every possible subject at all times. Having become a lay member of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance and a volunteer for the Red Deer hearings of the National Citizens Inquiry has put her in close touch with the community of evidence-based medical and research professionals who have been sanctioned in various ways for their courageous pointing out of the obvious: that Science is Never Settled and that constant evolution of knowledge in the field cannot and must not be held up by government policy makers. Governments look for easy answers that can form the basis of static policy making - while scientists inconveniently point at the flaws in this approach within a rapidly evolving field. When the easy answer (to dismiss the science) is not the right answer, CanadianShareableNews sees a role in educating the public to seek deeper understandings of this complex dynamic. Previous attempts include an 18-month-long enterprise — a COMPILATION OF LETTERS, ARTICLES & RESEARCH DOCUMENTS entitled Documenting the Current State of Affairs of COVID-19 Vaccination in Canada as of October 21, 2021 posted as a part of and embedded within this website, as well as over 200 posts on a Substack simply entitled FollowingTheCovidScience and countless tweets at FollowingCVSci on Twitter/X.
As a child of refugees and children of war, the CSNews founder has a keen sense of justice honed from her parents’ experiences in the intersection of poverty, trauma, mental illness and family turmoil common among victims of war and forced expulsion. It is for this reason, as Canadian law-makers began blindly leading our country to support the weapons industry, under the guise of supporting people, just while they had barely come out of years of supporting the pharmaceutical industry, under the guise of helping people, in both cases by shutting out informed analysts presenting ‘inconvenient’ truths, she decided to tackle the problem of media censorship with this new project. (It helped that a fellow concerned Canadian mused about the need to create a ‘TikTok’ version of Substack articles, short and to the point!)
Participating alongside of the editor, is an impromptu team of concerned Canadians who share leads on topics of concern to citizens seeking honesty, fairness, justice, human, environmental and planetary health and the wellbeing of all. Acting as advisor on news around geopolitics is a life-long citizen scholar (with an Hon. Geography degree). This daily follower of veteran expert geopolitical, military and intelligence analysis has been helping to curate the War & Peace column of each week’s issue of CSNews and serving as much needed proofreader!
While Substack readers will be able to activate a paid subscription if they so choose, subscription to the entire Substack as well as to the CSN Press Room is free.