How many of our Cabinet ministers know that according to the UN, the Declaration on Future Generations is now supposed to be a done deal?
(Added on Aug 20 - the second half of this post by Dr. Meryl Nass includes this statement: “The Silent Procedure was an extraordinary method to silence votes due to COVID when in-person meetings were not possible.” It was to be a “temporary and very extraordinary procedure”.)
ADDED: on August 27 - On the page referencing the UNs Declaration on Future Generations a note was added indicating that the SILENCE WAS BROKEN and concerns about certain sections were raised. We will take a closer look in another post. For now, to go: and click on Update Following Silence Procedure.
To: <>, <>, <>, <>, Barlow, John - M.P. <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
I am writing to you as a constituent of XXXXX riding in XXXXX part of Canada on a matter that goes far beyond local affairs and closely intersects with the work that each of you do as current Ministers of Canada's Cabinet.
I ask that this letter also be forwarded to Canada's Ambassador to the United Nations, Hon. Bob Rae, as contact info to his office seems not to be obvious online.
The UN sent out a letter on August 13 that the Declaration for Future Generations was to be put under SILENCE PROCEDURE for a total of THREE days, before it was to be assumed ACCEPTED.
How many of the members of Canada's CABINET are aware that this has occurred?
One would have assumed that the document would be up for ratification and discussion at the upcoming Summit for the Future on September 23. But this is even worse.
Next to no media coverage meant next to no awareness and ONLY THREE DAYS in which there was not even much of a hint as to how to get feedback to whom where by when... and now the document is a done deal?
This document apparently went through four revisions from ZERO draft through to the 1st, 2nd & 3rd in a short time. When I downloaded Rev 2 on August 8, the accompanying explanatory note and co-facilitator's revision were NOT yet posted. I started writing up my comments on August 8 without knowing there would be this deadline - I assumed I would have at least a week or two to get my feedback to Bob Rae (once I found his address) and that he could still consider it prior to Sept 23. I also assumed other Canadians would be given this opportunity to provide their insights into something as pivotal as this major declaration. This would include YOU, the various Ministry departments whose work is immediately affected by UN declarations.
Here are questions for our Cabinet ministers. I would appreciate a response from each of your offices on all of them. And from the office of the Ambassador to the UN as well.
a) Were you aware that the UN has at some point initiated this "Silent Procedure"?
b) Do you have any idea of how many previous UN documents have been assumed to be accepted in this way unbeknownst to us?
c) Are you aware of the high degree of "mission creep" in the documents of the UN these days? Going WAY beyond their original mandate re: peace, war, diplomacy?
d) Are you aware of the UN's intention to ELIMINATE intolerance?
e) If this were a bill put before you directly, would you not question how such a lofty utopic vision could actually become law, i.e. how it could be enforced?
I guess, as a result of this silence procedure, at this point there is nothing anyone in any of the member nations can do to stop this? Or is there? More and more people are noting the enormous mission creep and the partnership with businesses that the UN entered into already before 1998 under Kofi Anan. (Please see the full reference at the bottom of this email.)
In the past few years, more and more people are becoming aware of and objecting to the power that unelected bureaucrats are giving themselves. And this 3 day SILENCE procedure takes the cake!!!
This goes beyond the decades-long integration of the UN into municipal policies by means of the environment. It is now going into the ability of the world's citizens to speak up.
Note that to implement the goal of the Declaration for Future Generations to ELIMINATE INTOLERANCE, we need to define INTOLERANCE and then surveille every human being 24/7 - an excellent money making opportunity for the BIG TECH who are now partnered with the UN. We learn that this partnership is not just since the handshake between the heads of the UN and the world's largest corporate lobbying organization the WEF in 2019 but actually went back already back before 1998. I guess it was not enough for BigCorp to persuade the UN (via the WHO) to convince nations to push for Covid shots in every arm (for their profit), we are now going to see full bore surveillance of every conversation... another money making jackpot for BigCorp i.e. the Tech companies involved in online security/surveillance/tracking etc.
We see the chilling effects of the equivalent of the Online Harms Bill already underway in other countries, for example with many arrests in Britain of people who simply comment that increased rioting started happening in countries who started opening borders and removing security screening following some version of UN policies on Migration, that in the "olden days" before all this new unchecked immigration, riots weren't common place. Commenting on reality has been defined as Intolerance of migrants. With its aim of ELIMINATING intolerance, the UN's lovely worded Declaration of Future Generations is a thinly veiled attempt at implementing a parallel world wide censorting of speech and thereby also thought.
I am asking each minister's office included in this email to publicly answer these questions as well:
f) What is your Department going to do to REVERSE the presumed acceptance of the content in this Declaration for Future Generations?
g) What are you going to discuss with Canada's Ambassador to the UN? Has he found allies among his peers who also see problems with this Silence Procedure? Possibly the VP of Costa Rica might be on board with rejecting the validity of the Three Day Silent Procedure being used on a document as crucial as the Declaration for Future Generations. But there should be others.
h) Are YOU as ministers going to condemn this practice? (UN's use of 3-day Silence Procedure)
i) And will YOU also speak out about the problems with the Declaration? (i.e. the confounding of "vision statements" with actual actionable and enforceable policies; the "mission creep" of going far beyond the initial purposes of the UN; the hand in hand cronyism between BigCorp and unelected UN officials? For more on the latter, dig into what "private sector organizations" have "ad-hoc special accreditation"
and why they would be invited to attend the upcoming UN Summit - just as the many corporations and corporate lobby groups were given special access as "non state actors" prior to the UN's World Health Assembly in June. When the CEO of Amazon enjoyed this much wealth pre-COVID ( ), it behoves us all to be wary when people like him and those written in about in the 2014 book "Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else" have unfettered access to policy makers who cave to their interests and end up harming and surveilling the rest of us.
Please refer to the attached PDF of a slide show showing key concerns with the wording as it stood in Rev 2 on August 8. In the interest of time, I am not redoing my comments on REV 3, as the text in REV 3 differs little from that of REV 2.
You will find a common thread in all the comments
- Mission Creep
- Impossibility to Enforce short of 24/7 tech surveillance as the only way to ELIMINATE INTOLERANCE
After 4 years of seeing the manufactured Chaos/Control issues around FIGHTING THE COVID virus, the same playbook seems to be on steroids yet again.
But there is next to no coverage of the UN's Summit of the Future set to occur in New York in under six weeks from now in the Canadian Press News Wire Service and ergo in all of Canada's major government-supported & independent news media.
Because under your watch, the media has NOT upheld its codes of ethics in Canada
YOU, our Cabinet Ministers, and your departments are NOT JUST NOT HEARING ABOUT THIS UN document and silence procedure, you are ALSO NOT HEARING a balance of news and analysis on global current events. For a taste of what our news media should have been including all along (on topics related to peace and geopolitics), please also see:
& And for what they have not covered re: the WHO's recent gathering in Geneva, see
writing on behalf of Concerned Citizens everywhere.
GLOBAL PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS & the UN (July 2024) Decision makers at the UN essentially believe that the principle that respects the sovereignty of nation states is obsolete and must be replaced with Global Public-Private Partnerships involving industry. ("Global Public-Private Partnerships (G3P) are structured collaborations between international intergovernmental organizations, such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, and private companies to achieve shared goals and objectives." This article also explains the Westphalian system, i.e., the "principle that each state has exclusive sovereignty over its territory and domestic affairs, excluding all external powers, and is a fundamental tenet of international law." Furthermore, "Under our current model of Westphalian national sovereignty, the government of one nation cannot make legislation or law in another. However, through global governance, the G3P creates policy initiatives at the global level, which then cascade down to people in every nation. This typically occurs via an intermediary policy distributor, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the national government then enacts the recommended policies." This all goes back to 1998, the address by UN’s then-Secretary-General Kofi Annan to the WEF: "“The United Nations has been transformed since we last met here in Davos. The Organization has undergone a complete overhaul that I have described as a ‘quiet revolution.’…A fundamental shift has occurred. The United Nations once dealt only with governments. By now we know that peace and prosperity cannot be achieved without partnerships involving governments, international organizations, the business community and civil society…The business of the United Nations involves the businesses of the world.” Please continue with the rest of this important article here.
I was afraid to read this. Having worked over a decade in public sector handling such things but one a much smaller scale.
I am utterly disgusted - AGAIN!!
Thank you for bringing this issue to light. I pray (almost daily) that we can right this ship, tho I am but one woman.
I will always stand for as long as I can stand.
Thank you for this. I have no influence on social media to bring awareness to people on the importance of the UN's annual summits. I am well aware of what is happening globally and the blissful ignorance of western society cannot be understated.
Relative to your stack, this message was released on the UN's site stating "Silence was Broken" re: the link below.
Welcome to the United Nations › files › s...PDF
Message from the Co-Facilitators of the Intergovernmental Process for the