When an appeals court rules against one physician, while elsewhere truth tellers suffer lengthy jail terms; when a climate realist speaks up & Avian Flu preparation starts...+ much more!
HI Bob. When I click on the URL you shared it takes me back to the poster page for this post. Kind of interesting, what kind of a digital trail it went on. Did you see Issue 33 and are you familiar with Glen Chan and https://sickandabandoned.com?
Head spinning is correct... every week I have more headlines that DON'T fit into the 4 (or 6) pages that I end up leaving out! The big question is... how can we share the stories that do make it into CSNews each week more effectively with those who have NO idea of the existence of this entire universe of alternate news aka "alter-news-verse"!!!??
https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F55b7d1a0-87fc-49cd-a54b-5997b9872ba4_2552x1384.png ramgbs.wordpress.com
HI Bob. When I click on the URL you shared it takes me back to the poster page for this post. Kind of interesting, what kind of a digital trail it went on. Did you see Issue 33 and are you familiar with Glen Chan and https://sickandabandoned.com?
yup, same here.
You must be exhausted keeping tabs on all these garish headlines!!
My head is spinning to digest it all. Thank you!
Head spinning is correct... every week I have more headlines that DON'T fit into the 4 (or 6) pages that I end up leaving out! The big question is... how can we share the stories that do make it into CSNews each week more effectively with those who have NO idea of the existence of this entire universe of alternate news aka "alter-news-verse"!!!??