CSNews Week 34 - November 11, 2024 - Vol. 1 - Issue 34
When an appeals court rules against one physician, while elsewhere truth tellers suffer lengthy jail terms; when a climate realist speaks up & Avian Flu preparation starts...+ much more!
Ed. Note: While this issue is dated Nov. 11, it took until the morning of Nov 14 to get it posted. Enjoy the belated read…. please share widely.
In his statement from prison, Dr. Habig continued: Once I got to deliver a woman in an elevator. The baby had the umbilical cord around his neck… I unwound the umbilical cord and the baby screamed so loud. And the little head was filling with blood and I could feel its heart. To be able to hold such a small living being in my hands, I felt like a grace. A perfect being with all organs and everything in the right place. A miracle of nature, a divine being. It was made clear to me again and again that each of us is an idea of God. Each of us is … irretrievably unique. And nature has arranged it in such a way that we must protect and help each other and that we must never be tempted to cause suffering to others. www.live-without-limits.net/p/the-pleading-of-dr-heinrich-habig
(See page 3.)
Putin’s Valdai Speech proclaims Era of Multipolarity
(See page 4.)
Trump/Vance Election Win raises many Concerns
(See page 5.)
World Health Organization in a 4 Step Power Play
#1 Pass International Health Regulations #2 Get a Pandemic Treaty finalized #3 Get wide acceptance of the “One Health” concept #4 Introduce legislation in each country to roll out “One Health” policy. ON journalist Chris George explains it all here: bygeorgejournal.substack.com/p/the-world-health-organization-and
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Six Full Pages…
This week we look at Naomi Wolf’s Closing Societies and notice Canada fits right in. Losses in court, unjust incarcerations of medical & military professionals set a chilling tone. With the first “presumed” case of Avian Flu, we do our best to build awareness of the steps involved in pandemic creation. We share citizen actions around Bills C-400 (Keeping Cash alive) and C-293 (Pandemic Prevention and Preparation) along with cooking candles, hurricane makers and so much more! PLEASE SHARE!
Why Many Oppose C-293
Bill C-293 threatens to permanently change Canada. It has passed the House and is currently in its second reading in the Senate. Bill C-293 allows governments to dictate the economy, expropriate land etc. See: killbill293.com/ & www.wchcanada.news/p/say-no-to-universal-global-governance.
HOMEGROWN HEROES - Going beyond the call of duty
Former ON emergency room physician, Dr. Mark Trozzi had written vaccine exemption notices for about 20 patients in which he pointed out that employer coercion impedes the process of informed consent and that due to the high risk-to-benefit ratio for the COVID-19 shots, their use is contra-indicated. Following that, Dr. Trozzi was investigated by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO). He has written about the ensuing lengthy legal journey here: www.drtrozzi.news/p/challenging-the-cpso-heading-to-the ON lawyer Micheal Alexander summarized the results of the recent appeal court ruling which “ran roughshod” over major issues presented. The CPSO’s main expert witness, Dr. Andrew Gardam even admitted under cross examination that he agreed with major points of science advanced by Dr. Trozzi (contradicting his prior statements.) And yet, Alexander writes: “For the time being, we have lost in spite of our best efforts because the Divisional Court of Ontario is perversely committed to enforcing the government's narrative concerning Covid-19, even though we all know that it is utterly false and has caused injury and death to hundreds of thousands of Canadians.” www.drtrozzi.news/p/appeal-court-issues-ruling-in-my
Manufacturing Pandemics: Welcome H5N1
Step 1: Illegal Gain of Function Research - Make a naturally occurring virus more dangerous. Here are 2 references to mutating the Avian flu virus to enable airborne spread. US Rep. Congressman Jim Jordan writing about Dr. Anthony Fauci & a 2012 research report from the U of Minnesota. Step 2: Ensure a regulatory set up that does NOT require manufacturers to provide clear replicable evidence that their products do more than produce short term increases in antibodies and that there are no long term adverse events. In other words, tell everyone that Health Canada monitors for safety and efficacy when they do not. AB Lawyer Shaun Buckley explained this under oath.
Step 3: Align top down global governance schemes giving one central organization global oversight via the “One Health” initiative which also ties “health” to “climate change”. See this expose by ON journalist Chris George re: the WHO and Canada’s so-called “Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness” Bill.
Step 4: Select and curate only research that promotes the intended product, use corporate censors including “trusted news” initiatives, biased “fact-checkers”; “misinformation experts”; “influencers”; “digital citizen contributors”; Pharma-captured health institutions including universities, scientific publishers, even Health Canada to flip the narrative: refer to captured science as ‘The Science’ and to any work that questions findings and develops new hypotheses as per the scientific method as “anti-science.”
Step 5: Ensure ‘vaccine’ production is well underway and that the public is unaware of alternate ways of preventing & treating illness.
Step 6: Prepare a range of behavioural change tools that medical professionals can use with the public, i.e. PrOTCT Framework; “Motivational Interviews”; while using pressure, coercion and sanctions on those medical professionals who stand up for patients’ right to fully informed consent and to medical privacy (sharing only a few examples of many here & here).
Step 7: Start announcing one or more “presumed” cases - See BC’s Nov. 9 announcement. Also, create government “dashboards”.
Step 8: Overreact, create fear & mayhem as was done with massive chicken culls in the US already in March 2023.
Step 9: Ramp up testing to drive case counts but do not reveal the ultimate fail: qRT-PCR testing can find fragments of detectable viral RNA but all samples were negative for live virus, in other words “positive” tests when run above a certain threshold do NOT indicate infection potential. It is just a molecular copy machine, not a test.
Step 10: Lie and deny! Stay silent on vaccine injuries and insist on safety even if that is false. (See example involving Drs. Tam & Henry.)
Unjust Incarcerations
Ed Wackerman is a disabled US senior and former fire fighter who has spent over 17 months in a California prison. He was charged with starting a wild fire, which supporters point out would have been physically impossible for him. The full story and letter writing instructions are provided here: elsaiselsa.substack.com/cp/151117443.
Alexander Bittner served in the German army for 18 years. The father of 3 refused the COVID-19 injection & did not pay a non-compliance fee. On Sept 16, 2024 he was arrested, held in detention and is currently on a hunger strike. free-people.online/freealexander/; https://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=121718
Many supporters are pushing for the release of lawyer Reiner Fuellmich who was on a German government watch list since he founded a new independent political party and as a result of his attempts to hold an international Corona Investigative Inquiry. Awaiting a trail for nearly 13 months (5 in isolation), Fuellmich is being deprived of sleep, medical attention & internet access while defending himself in court for a trial being stretched out over 37 days. elsaiselsa.substack.com/cp/151547480
German naturopath Dr. Heinrich Habig served a 16 month pre-trial detention for the crime of having provided patients with mask and vax exemptions. www.live-without-limits.net/p/the-pleading-of-dr-heinrich-habig
Signs of a Closing Society Now in Canada
US writer Naomi Wolf outlined ten steps that "closing societies" have historically followed. Examining countries which have slipped from free, open, democratic societies into dictatorships, Wolf found the same ten changes slowly chipping away at society, usually unnoticed until it is too late.
1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy.
2. Create secret prisons where torture takes place.
3. Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens. 4. Set up an internal surveillance system.
5. Infiltrate and harass citizens' groups.
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release.
7. Target key individuals.
8. Control the press.
9. Cast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason.
10. Subvert the rule of law. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_End_of_America:_Letter_of_Warning_to_a_Young_Patriot
1. Government rhetoric about the “threats” posed by the Freedom Convoy protesters certainly terrified many who relied on CBC news reports.
2. The treatment of the Coutts Four in prolonged pre-trial incarceration meets the definition of mental torture.
3. Canadians still do not know the identity of many of the uniformed baton wielding forces that drove the Freedom Convoy out of Ottawa and mainstream media appears not to be investigating.
4. Public Health Agency of Canada accessed data such as cell-tower location to monitor people’s activity during lockdown. This included 33 million mobile devices.
5. Many Canadian citizen groups are taking precautions when meeting online as infiltration has been evident.
6. Canadian academics and reporters are experiencing arbitrary detentions in airports.
7. Dr. Mark Trozzi. Dr. Byram Bridle. Dr. Charles Hoffe. Dr. Rochagne Kilian. Just to name a few.
8. Our Prime Minister even jokes about bribing/controlling the media.
9. Wasn’t the Convoy supposedly connected to Russia? (Such was its recasting as treason!). And wasn’t “promoting vaccine hesitancy” an attack on the health care system? (Or so we were told!)
10. Many recent court rulings have Canadians convinced our courts no longer uphold the rule of law…
Insights on Fixing Democracy
BC author Julius Ruechel looks to past regimes to help Canadians understand our present realities. www.juliusruechel.com/2024/10/the-great-unravelling-why-democracy.html
Lest We Forget
Ed. note: This year, on Remembrance Day, are we talking about the living conditions of Canadian veterans? About the legal actions on behalf of vaccine-injured military personnel and those who chose to refuse forced injections? Are we talking about the futility of young lives lost on both sides of each conflict, especially when understanding who benefits? Writing from his hospital bed at the end of WWII, anti-war poet Wolfgang Borchert wrote over 40 short stories, poems and other pieces on the futility of war. His play The Man Outside focusses on the plight of the returning soldier to a world that essentially shuts him out. In 2019 an account of his life and works was added to the Internet Archive.
There once were two people. When they were two years old, they hit each other with their hands. When they were 12, they hit each other with sticks and threw stones at each other. When they were 22, they shot at each other with guns. When they were 42, they threw bombs at each other. When they were 62, they used bacterial warfare. When they were 82, they died. They were buried side by side. When a hundred years later an earthworm chewed its way through both of their graves, it did not notice that two different people were buried here. It was the same earth. All the same earth. www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXnsb2HjabA
War & Peace
Putin’s Valdai Speech on Multipolarity
Speaking on Nov 7 at the annual Valdai Discussion Club event, Russian president Vladimir Putin addressed the current state of Western liberalism as follows: “The peril lies in the imposition of totalitarian ideologies and making them the norm, as exemplified by the current state of Western liberalism. This modern Western liberalism, in my view, has degenerated into extreme intolerance and aggression towards any alternative or sovereign and independent thought. Today, it even seeks to justify neo-Nazism, terrorism, racism, and even the mass genocide of civilians.” He adds: “So far, we – meaning all those interested in creating a just and stable world – have been using too much energy to resist the destructive activities of our opponents, who are clinging to their monopoly. This is obvious, and everyone in the west, the east, the south and everywhere else is aware of this. They are trying to preserve their power and monopoly, which is obvious.These efforts could be directed with much better results towards addressing the common problems that concern everyone, from demography and social inequality to climate change, food security, medicine and new technology. This is where we should focus our energy, and this is what all of us should be doing.” The entire speech is found here: http://www.en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/75521
British Surgeon Tells of Conditions in Gaza
ormer British NHS surgeon Nizam Mamode speaks with difficulty in front of a parliamentary committee as he describes the people he has been trying to operate on in Gaza. He reports the area looks like Hiroshima and Nagasaki with possibly 1.3 million people sheltering in makeshift tents. There is the constant risk of being shot by missiles or quadcopters (surveillance drones with shooting capability). Particularly children are being targeted by these drones. The medical crew would often see 20-40 fatalities and 20-40 seriously injured per day, usually hit by bullets from the drones. 60-70% of those treated each day are women & children. Dr. Mamode has worked in other conflict zones and has never seen the degree of civilian targeting seen here.
See also www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPE6vbKix6A
NFB Tribute to Asian, Indigenous & Female Vets
ON teacher Christine Pagé selects three NFB videos to show at Remembrance Day - documentaries the National Film Board has made in past years to tell the stories of Chinese and other often overlooked members of Canada’s Armed Forces. She writes: “Let’s bring the many narratives that have been excluded from our collective memory out of the shadows.” https://blog.nfb.ca/blog/2023/11/03/edu-revealing-hidden-stories-on-remembrance-day
Keeping Cash Alive
The next reading of Conservative MP Ted Falk’s Private Member’s Bill C-400 is scheduled for November 18. Canadians concerned about losing access to cash and being forced to switch to trackable, hackable, traceable and “cancelable” digital currency are writing their MPs ahead of this date. A sample letter, aOne-Click email tool and phone number lists are all posted here: freedomrising.info/bill-c-400/.
Germany’s Pharmacists Resist new Vision
In Germany, pharmacies are separate, stand-alone businesses, not counters in grocery stores, etc. To combat pharmacy closures in rural areas, Germany’s Health Minister proposes cutting pharmacist in- person hours, having them consolidate and manage “affiliate” locations within a 3 hour driving radius, turn over more of the prescribing to pharmacist assistants and take on more vaccination duties. German pharmacists see this de-professionalization as a major threat to patient health. https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/apotheken-reform-von-karl-lauterbach-apotheken-ohne-apotheker-der-widerstand-ist-gross,UIaXOr2
Hurricane Making Patent
In 2001 Andrew Waxmanski applied for a patent for device that allows sound waves to be “generated at a frequency to affect the formation of the weather system in a manner to disrupt, enhance or direct the formation. The sound waves can also be projected in a manner to cause the system to produce rain.” patents.justia.com/inventor/andrew-waxmanski
Trump Watchers Concerned
While some cheer about a switch to a second Trump administration, others write with trepidation about what this can mean for the future.
Predicting ‘forever wars’ on behalf of Israel
U of Lethbridge professor emeritus Dr. Anthony Hall outlines Trump’s pro-Israeli ties and support of Netanyahu’s vision of “Greater Israel [as] the dominant ruler of Arab client states in a re-engineered Middle East.” anthonyjhall.substack.com/p/maga-is-really-israel-first
Surveillance State likely with Vance backer
US journalist Whitney Webb outlined the technocratic ties between JD Vance & Peter Thiel who is involved in facial recognition tech. unlimitedhangout.com/2024/07/investigative-reports/the-man-behind-trumps-vp-pick-its-worse-than-you-think/
Climate Realist Prefers Real Environmentalism
Former professor of geological sciences at the U of Alabama, Dr. Matthew Wielicki shared a conversation with German Wilderness Educator Bastian Barucker. matthewwielicki.com/media Here he explains that using actual data rather than modelling leads to different understandings of climate change. He explains that nowadays to point at other data instead of CO2 levels as underlying climate change is to undergo ‘career suicide’. “Just asking questions, having discussions, now makes you a heretic,” he said, “and we no longer have these discussions.” The professor also said the “constant catastrophism” concerning climate change is ‘robbing’ his students’ ambition, adding that some told him they no longer plan on having families because it would be a burden on the world.” www.al.com/news/2023/01/professor-says-hes-quitting-university-of-alabama-amid-rise-of-illiberalism-dei-pushes-on-campuses.html Born behind the Iron Curtain, Dr. Wielicki has an awareness of government overreach. He explains that clean water and food access could be attained with a fraction of the money being spent on de-carbonization. And that people are suffering today because of a lack of energy infrastructure. “The so-called ‘climate crisis’ has turned from a scientific investigation into an ideological crusade, where the scientific method itself, skepticism, objectivity, and rigorous testing, is under siege. This is no longer about examining data and coming to conclusions; it’s about selling a story and silencing dissent." irrationalfear.substack.com/p/the-death-of-objectivity-how-climate To read Dr. Wielicki’s advice to the incoming Trump administration, see irrationalfear.substack.com/p/reviving-real-environmentalism-a
Beeswax Candle “Cookstove” now available
Intrepid entrepreneurs have looked to the past to design a temporary solution to possible energy outages. https://fundsforfreedom.org/candles/ This start-up organization aims to “create tangible improvements in communities” by promoting natural products.
History of the Internet
Independent broadcaster & news curator Ken McCarthy was featured in CSNews #12. Since then he has published this behind the scenes look at how the internet came to be. www.brasscheck.com/video/the-greatest-voice-for-freedom/
Documenting Betrayal
Ken McCarthy is also the author of “What the Nurses Saw” www.brasscheck.com/video/what-the-nurses-saw/ which shines a light on testimony of US frontline staff related to deadly hospital protocols implemented throughout the USA in response to COVID-19. The COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project provides a list of the 25 most frequently recurring violations of medical care: chbmp.org/commonalities/.
AB citizens racing to get COVID-19 shots
Despite all efforts of evidence-based scientists to point at the harms of and alternatives to COVID-19 boosters, Albertans are rolling up their sleeves faster now than 1-2 years ago. Retired police investigator David Dickson is sharing shocking data with the public. AB statistics also show that the uptake for the current booster (KP.2) is dramatically faster than for the original product and last year’s XBB injection. From the date of their availability it took not quite 4 weeks to reach 400,000 doses. To reach that milestone with the first COVID-19 injections took 100 weeks.
Dickson shows 912 children under 1 have already received the KP.2 injection. Since the initial roll out stated, 51.1% of all AB children 1 and under have been given a shot. dksdata.com/AlbertaDead
Dickson reports on DKSDATA.com, on X @dksdata, and on avoidabledeathawareness.com going where other media have not gone. Find Alberta, Canada, UK, USA statistics, care home failures, psychological manipulation AND this excellent video: rumble.com/v5jq7ar-counting-cars-or-counting-test-kits.html
Canada’s National Film Board curators provided a two part list of their favourite videos showcasing Canadian stories. For HOURS of viewing, enjoy blog.nfb.ca/blog/2024/06/21/canada-as-seen-by-nfb-filmmakers-part-1-yukon-saskatchewan-quebec-prince-edward-island-ontario-and-nunavut/ & part 2!
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