Promoting CanadianShareableNews III
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Presenting a new "Gift of Free Information Card"
Last April, we posted a “business card” style of promotional tool for readers who wish to download, print, cut out and distribute them to help share the news of the existence of Canadian Shareable News.
Now might be a good time to also print off this new “Gift of Free Information” card. Perhaps a friendly like-minded store or craft market stand owner will consent to having a stack of either promo-tool lying around.
And here is a reprint of our earlier “business card” promo tool:
Double clicking on the above images can reveal the “Copy Image” command. This allows people to “copy paste” one or both promos into certain social media posts as well.
The PDF files can be downloaded, printed off in black and white (or colour if price is no deterrent) and cut out into cards to hand out. Consider also posting some on community bulletin boards or other visible places.
Possible conversation starters could be:
Have you ever heard of Canadian Shareable News? It’s a little weekly publication that shares the news not being reported on the mainstream news. I am not sure if you noticed how much our media is not telling us. I wonder how many of the topics here you have heard reported on recently in your favourite news show.
Have you noticed how the Military Industrial Complex doesn’t like it when peace activists shine a light on who benefits in wars? Nowadays with the same investment groups running the Military AND the mainstream News corporations, it’s been hard to find out what the peace movement in Canada has been doing these past few years. One place to start is Canadian Shareable News. It will link you to the websites of LOTS of citizen action groups.
I’ve been pretty jaded about the Hollywood celebrity crowd these days. Did you know there is a whole bunch of people who deserve real celebrity status for taking a principled stance and trying to share information these days? But the media never talks about them. If you want to learn more about some truly courageous Canadians who have been risking their jobs, and their social status for taking unpopular stances, check out the Homegrown Hero column every week in Canadian Shareable News.
You’ve been talking about so and so having all kinds of unrelated health issues ever since the COVID shots and boosters were rolled out. As long as the government doesn’t let any news come out about the many problems with the COVID-19 vaccine, Canadians are not getting the information they need to deal with their recent health problems. There is one place where the evidence re: vaccine issues IS making the news. Check it out. Canadian Shareable News. Here’s a little card you can take to check out the URL later on tonight.
Feel free to share other promo ideas in the comments or email them to