CSNews Week 41 - January 6, 2025 - Vol. 2 - Issue 1
When a dissident voice will be missed; when there are opposing views on the Net Zero Agenda; when false narratives drive war; when there is Lamentation in Palestine, and more...
Welcome to a new year — and a new volume of CSNews! We are adding a new feature: “Scrum Questions” or “Questions Worth Asking”. These will only be available as a downloadable PDF document. In this way, they can (hopefully) be more portable and more easily shared. Readers are free to draw out sections to use in their own communications.
This description of endless wars could have been written at any time in recent history. It appeared in a summary of the situation in Syria. Kampmark simplifies the numerous factions at play there: “Russia, Iran and Shia militants in one bolstering camp; Gulf states and Turkey pushing their own mixture of Sunni cause and disruption in another; and the US throwing in its lot behind the Kurdish backed People’s Protection Units (YPG).” See: Syria Beware (p. 6) https://www.coldtype.net/Assets23/PDFs/ColdType265Jan2025.pdf
PM Trudeau kicks off party Leadership race
Justin Trudeau’s intention to step down was quickly reported on by many critics of Liberal censorship bills, including the people at Reclaim the Net. As well, prorogation of Parliament causes bills in progress to be set back to the start of their current process. For example, Bill C-293 jumps back to the Senate’s First Reading stage.
US/Ukraine send 8 more missiles into Russia
See page 2.
Compilations of C-19 vax harms released daily
In support of demands to the incoming Trump administration to REVOKE the FDA licenses for the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines” from Pfizer and Moderna, US author James Roguski is releasing daily compilations of evidence of harm. notsafeandnoteffective.com
Find us here…
Welcome to Volume 2… as the new year starts, we plan to continue following under-reported or un-reported news. You can find us online here: Canadian Shareable News on substack.com. To guard AGAINST misinformation or disinformation, journalists are called to ensure a diversity of perspectives. For far too long, journalists and media outlets in Canada have been ignoring their own media ethics guidelines.
Our vision for 2025: that an expectation for balance and for diverse perspectives is once again a hallmark of what it means to be a “MAINSTREAM” journalist. See the recent CSNews Opinion Piece here where we call out the propaganda found on major news platforms that limit themselves to one-sided reporting. Please share the Scrum Time Questions Worth Asking!
Jan 6-10: Ottawa Police Disciplinary Hearing for Detective Helen Grus
January 12: National Pharmacists Day
Early February: 3 year anniversary of record-breaking nation-wide citizen protest of vaccine mandates known as the Ottawa Freedom Convoy
Feb 15: Canada’s National Flag Day
Residents of St. Mary’s Bay NFLD are mourning the recent passing of Angela Tibbs. But the grief is global, as the 78 year old peace activist had a long history of dedication to the global cause of humanity. She was the longtime senior editor of the longstanding publication:
In response to her passing, her colleagues at Dissident Voice (DV) wrote: “Life is ephemeral. We all know that, but the end can sneak up on any of us. This is aside from the people living in war zones who face such realization each day as they cling to life. This concern for the plight of others, especially the constant humiliation, deprivation, and killing that the Palestinians faced under Israeli occupation is what stirred the ire of Angie Tibbs to plunk away at her keyboard to defend human rights for all humans over the years. Eventually it led to her becoming the senior editor of Dissident Voice…. Angie leaves an indelible contribution to DV and, more importantly, to the cause of peace and social justice.” It is likely that Angie herself wrote this into the description of DV: “we aim to challenge the hegemony of Big Media by communicating... all sorts of stuff.” dissidentvoice.org/2025/01/angie-tibbs-rest-in-peace/#more-155442
War & Peace
US escalates war ahead of Trump term
As only 16% of Ukrainians wish to continue fighting Russia, US command directed a new round of ATACMS missiles to be shot into Russia. Additionally, Ukrainian troops renewed their attack within the Russian Kursk region. While it seems Canadian Press News Agency and Global News both remain silent on the recent ATACMS strike, India’s WION news sought insights from Norwegian political scientist Glenn Diesen. “There could be some immense escalation on both sides before Trump takes office.” This could include an attack on Kiev.
False Narratives Escalate War
Prof. Diesen is also a guest of MAPA (Massachusetts Peace Action Education Fund) speaking on the roots of the Ukraine war. secure.everyaction.com/yrIAt1ZabkuCNupGcOs1Hg2
Censored history of Nazi collaborators in Canada
QB journalist Ann Charney was recently interviewed by ON journalist, investigator and radio host Phil Taylor on the Taylor Report. The topic—Peter McFarlane’s book Family Ties: How a Ukrainian Nazi and a living witness link Canada to Ukraine today.
Report from Gaza 15 years ago
In 2009, NFLD writer/peace activist Angie Tibbs interviewed Stewart Littlewood, the author of the book Radio Free Palestine. He described the situation in Gaza at the time:
The Gaza Strip had been under sanctions and siege for about 18 months, so there was already a chronic shortage of food, fuel and essentials. The sick were dying from lack of medicines and hospital equipment spares. Power cuts were a daily fact of life – another Israeli weapon of collective punishment… One message in particular still haunts me. Fr Manuel Mussallam, the elderly priest in Gaza, emailed to say, “If you wish to really understand what is taking place in the Gaza Strip, please open your Bible and read the Lamenta- tions of Jeremiah. This is what we are living. People are crying, hungry, thirsty, desperate. They need food. Even if there is food for sale, people have no money to buy it. They have no income, no opportunities to bring food from outside and no opportunities to secure money inside Gaza. No work, no livelihood, no future... They have no hope and many very poor people are aimlessly wander- ing around trying to beg for something from others who also have nothing. It is heartbreaking to see.” He ended: “I beg you, we do not need pity, we need only justice. If you don’t give justice, there will be no peace.” https://www.coldtype.net/Assets.09/pdfs/1209.LittlewoodInterview.pdf
How Artists Tackle the Futility of War
This is the topic of a webinar being held by Kathy Kelly, the board president of World BEYOND War. To register see wirn.worldbeyondwar.org/.
Calling out Corporate Takeover of UN
Since it was founded in 1986, FIAN International has been advocating for the right to food and nutrition. In 2020 it was one of 400 organizations to denounce the Strategic Partnership Agreement between WEF and the UN and to call on the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General to end the union. In October 2023, FIAN International called for an end to growing corporate influence at the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, along with many social movements, Indigenous Peoples’ and civil society groups. “Transnational corporations (TNCs) dominate global value chains, concentrate power in today’s globalized economies, and frequently use their position to harm human rights and the environment in the pursuit of profit.” In a December 2024 press release FIAN International stated: “Despite long-standing demands from affected communities, social movements and civil-society organizations, no binding global legal framework exists to hold big-agro, big-food, big-tech and big-financial corporations accountable for human rights abuses around the world. This lack of global regulation allows TNCs to escape accountability.”
A must-see food comic featuring Big Agro, Big Food, Big Money and Big Tech and the POWER OF THE PEOPLE. By FIAN BRASIL. See this 15 minute black/white film here: www.theindigestibles.com/. “We deserve a food system that serves us better. A food system that puts people over profit, that respects our planet and values our health.”
Competing visions of Net Zero Agenda
On December 9, 2024, UK Benny Peiser, Director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation for the last 15 years, explained how the global consensus over climate change is broken. Closures of German and British car factories and the ensuing economic collapse of European countries highlight the impossibility for countries to contribute to the trillions of dollars now deemed necessary to accomplish the Net Zero Agenda recently laid out at COP29.
Paul Burgess, (retired) Hydro Climate Specialist (BSc, MSc, C. Eng) is one of the signatories of the Clintel World Climate Declaration. On Nov 27, 2024 he demonstrated the disconnect between how politicians refer to the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPC) climate science and what is being said by actual UN climate scientists themselves. Many of the climate phenomena being erroneously attributed to human-caused, CO2 related “climate change” has occurred throughout the historic record, and has not been correlated to recent human activity. Burgess recently released a two hour documentary film Exposing The Net Zero Agenda. He contrasts Sweden and Germany energy decisions, illustrates the “smoke and mirrors” behind renewables, explains the control mechanism behind the UN Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) goals and more. When the video is viewed on YouTube, the platform’s automatic censorship program is programmed to add this disclaimer: “United Nations • Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.”
In contrast, the entire World Health Organization (WHO) report entitled “Health is the Argument for Climate Action” is grounded on the presumption that greenhouse gas emission reduction will reduce climate change. For WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus “The climate crisis is a health crisis… Health must not be sidelined or siloed in climate negotiations – it is the lived experience of climate change.” There is no reference to health disruptions due to extreme weather events related to geo-engineering. Nor does the report mention lowered immunity, food additives or environmental toxins.
Good versus Bad Fifteen Minute Cities
Writing for the Western Standard, AB journalist Cory Morgan looked at the contentious idea of “15 minute cities”. He praises those communities where stores, schools, medical centres and “other services are all or mostly within a 15-minute walk or at least a short drive”. For example, small towns are “not based on authoritarianism, but is instead based on free market capitalism, free movement and minor zoning controls.” In contrast, “the [World Economic Forum] WEF vision of 15-minute cities is one of virtual imprisonment.… this is because WEF adherents “want to squash people into enclaves and feel the only way to do so is to regulate movement.“ www.westernstandard.news/opinion/morgan-in-defence-of-15-minute-cities/57361 The citizen action group Action4Canada has prepared a number of flyers, videos etc. on the topic of technocrat-controlled 15 minute cities. See action4canada.com/15-minute-cities/ (& see c40 cities in Issues 31+32.)
People 4 a Good Cause…
Since the topics overlap, people may choose to pass along Action4Canada & KillBill293 information jointly.
Limits on Big Corp
The Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power and End Impunity was launched in June 2012 at the Rio+20 People’s Summit. One of their initiatives was the Peoples’ Treaty to “defend the rights of, and empower the peoples, especially those affected by the crimes and violations of transnational corporations…Transnational corporations do not currently fall under the universal jurisdiction in criminal matters above the national level. It is needed to develop a jurisdiction at the international level for transnational corporations and that ecological crimes, colonial domination and other forms of foreign domination, foreign intervention and economic crimes be included as grave and massive violations of economic and social rights.”www.stopcorporateimpunity.org/request-solidarity-actions
Peyman Askari, Iranian-Canadian BC software engineer, has started asking questions. As he puts it, “I’ve always sought to understand and improve systems.” He has recently started two media platforms: In Lay Terms — a Rumble channel featuring Askari’s interviews with a range of newsmakers or commentators and Cerberus At The Improv — an unscripted weekly chat about current events with a Quebec and a BC follower of political events. Having taken part in the Freedom Convoy and volunteered for the National Citizens Inquiry, Askari learned that the best way to learn about the issues of our time is to speak directly to those studying the issues. For example, in speaking with the founder of CanuckLaw, he learns more about issues most mainstream journalists won't touch—the flaws in our fiat banking system and omnibus bills, the erosion of gun rights, climate policies, and the overreach of Big Pharma. Askari has chosen to run as a candidate for the Peoples’ Party of Canada, but is using his 2 media platforms mostly as information gathering and sharing tools, or to provide other PPC candidates with a place to express their views.
ON A LIGHTER NOTE - A Surgeon Poet observes
We featured SK Professor of Surgery, Dr. Francis Christian, as a Homegrown Hero in Issue 27. In October, 2024 he wrote an essay bemoaning the lack of poetry (and civility) in the lyrics of a popular singer, while providing other more poetic examples. francischristian.substack.com/p/poetry-in-song