CSN Week 15 - July 1 - Vol. 1 - Issue 15
When a journalist is freed, when public health leaders blatantly lie, when the health care system offers death instead of treatment, when natural health products are in peril, and more...
Editor’s note - Since this post went up, there has been a release of a new expanded version of the video linked to on Page 3. Please see https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/featured/covid-19-mrna-genetic-vaccines-were-pregnant-and-breastfeeding-women-told-the-truth/ for more context now than in the original version.
Julian Assange goes free in a plea deal
The WikiLeaks founder was offered freedom in return for a guilty plea to a felony charge of violating the U.S. Espionage Act. This instead of being extradited to the USA to stand trial for allegedly illegally obtaining and disclosing classified information, a crime with a potential sentence of 175 years. www.cbsnews.com/news/what-did-julian-assange-do-wikileaks-most-significant-document-dumps/.
War = Money Laundering (Assange 2011)
“Margaret Thatcher had it right. There is no society anymore. What there is is a transnational security elite that is busy carving up the world using your tax money. To combat that elite, we must not petition, we must take it over. We must form our own networks of strength and mutual value which can challenge those strengths and self-interested values of the war mongers in this country and in others, that have formed hand in hand and an alliance to take money from the United States, from every NATO country, from Australia and launder it through Afghanistan, launder it through Iraq, launder it through Somalia, launder it through Yemen, launder it through Pakistan and wash that money in people's blood. (www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQVBZQz6d4I Continued on page 4.)
US to expect Retaliation for Ukraine/US Strike
See page 3.
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Welcome to Issue 15!
You can find us online here: canadianshareablenews.substack.com/. This week a running theme is how people process, share, hide or use information.
Recently, we learned that instead of looking at information through a critical lens, a major medical voice critiquing the Injection of Truth event (see Issue 14) blindly trusts corporate sources & old modelling data.
We also discovered how many Canadian media outlets rely on a single news wire service for much of their coverage (CP). See References for canadianshareablenews.substack.com/p/copycat-news-telling.
AND we hear from Julian Assange how journalists are complicit in war. Plus, we note how, by staying silent on key issues of our day, mainstream media outlets are doing citizens a great disservice.
HOMEGROWN HEROES - Going beyond the call of duty
Kayla Pollock (ON) went from being an active mom, animal trainer and educational assistant to being wheelchair bound in a short time after her Moderna COVID-19 booster. She took the shot worried that it would soon be a pre-requisite for her to visit her father in his care home. Despite now being unable to move her body, and losing her income, losing access to her young son, losing her active life as she knew it, and having to rely on fundraising to make do, Kayla took on something big: she became the first person to launch a lawsuit against Moderna. This after she was offered Medical Assistance in Dying by Canadian health care workers on three occasions. While the Canadian Press (“Canada’s trusted news leader”) chooses to remain silent on her story, the local East Gwillimbury community magazine and The Canadian Independent do the honourable thing and give Kayla a voice: thebulletinmagazine.com/kayla.html thecanadianindependent.substack.com/p/exclusive-ontario-woman-paralyzed. The enormity of this $45 million lawsuit is not lost on Canadian lawyer/podcaster Viva Frei and on US physician/news host Dr. Drew. They interviewed Kayla in February, 2024. https://drdrew.com/2024/canadian-mom-paralyzed-after-covid-19-booster-vaccine-sues-moderna-for-45-million-says-shes-now-a-quadriplegic-for-life-w-kayla-pollock-viva-frei-ask-dr-drew/
FDA vaccine regulations unscientific
US physician and bioweapons analyst Dr. Meryl Nass recently commented on an October 2023 publication funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It refers to “mock-up vaccines” that can be approved without testing for efficacy, because they are approved under “accelerated and flexible procedures”. Nass comments: “The above explains why 3 mock-up vaccines are already FDA-licensed for bird flu: so that any of their platforms can be used in a hurry. Note they do not use the words “efficacy” or “effectiveness” since the mock-ups were not tested to see if they work. The term “immunogenicity” simply means the vaccine induces antibodies. Which all vaccines do. Sometimes they are effective, sometimes not, and sometimes they induce a more severe disease. Effectiveness was “inferred”, i.e., surmised, based on the fact that seasonal flu vaccines seem to work. Though some years they don’t…The FDA licensed 4 pre-pandemic H1N1 vaccines, grandfathered in based on the licenses of non-pandemic, seasonal flu vaccines. No clinical trials. Think of the $ savings for the manufacturers… You find out if it works after you roll it out to the entire population, and once everyone has received it, you learn its safety and efficacy. Or, like the COVID vaccines, you never learn either because the federal government sponsored “The Science” to get its preordained conclusions, and furthermore censored or retracted scientific studies that challenged the scientific narrative.” merylnass.substack.com/p/the-bmgf-funded-a-comprehensive-review
Nass also highlights how there is a 20 year history to the avian flu hype, stoked by those set to profit financially from what is likely to be the next big global scare tactic.
NON - Pharma Funded Vaccine Information
As parents are becoming aware of the one-sided nature of advice being presented by organizations like Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) or regulatory bodies like the FDA in the article above, they are turning to more balanced information. Following the principle of informed consent, parents need to know the risks and benefits of choosing an intervention, like a vaccine, AND the risks and benefits of NOT choosing that intervention. Organizations like the following are filling in the gap.
Vaccine Choice Canada - vaccinechoicecanada.com/ See the New Parents’ Guide to Understanding Vaccination (under e-store).
National Vaccine Information Center (US) https://www.nvic.org/disease-vaccine
Note, the video linked to below has been re-issued with more context here: https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/featured/covid-19-mrna-genetic-vaccines-were-pregnant-and-breastfeeding-women-told-the-truth/
A recent video collage is now circulating online. It shows top government and public health officials knowingly making false claims about the COVID-19 injections particularly about their use in pregnancy. Recorded clips of Dr. Teresa Tam, Dr. Bonnie Henry and others are juxtaposed with copies of actual government and manufacturer documentation. For the first time, Canadians have proof that what was said did not match what was known. Officials made claims which contradicted Pfizer’s statements.
Meanwhile, the Government of Canada is now preparing tool kits for its employees to report disinformation.
Canadians are noticing that Health Canada is introducing new fees, implementing stricter regulations and increasing censorship on truthful advertising by natural health stores and product manufacturers. Concerned citizens are lobbying to have Sections 500-504 of Bill C-47 repealed and for an end to the so-called “Self Care Framework.” Under that framework, natural health product companies will be regulated in the same ways as chemical non-prescription drugs and charged higher fees for licensing. Most such companies do not have the resources to enter the market alongside of multinational corporations and foresee needing to got out of business as a result of these proposed changes. See: nhppa.org/.
War & Peace
US to expect Retaliation for Ukraine/US Strike
On Sunday, June 23, Ukrainian ATACMS missiles equipped with cluster munitions were used against a city in Crimea. Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter responded: “Given that the ATACMS missiles cannot be deployed by the Ukrainians without extensive intelligence support by the United States, this is an act of terrorism by the United States against Russia.”
Coming from a Catholic social justice perspective, the Vulnerable People Project commits to "Advocate for the vulnerable; Respond to false humanitarianism, and narrow or incomplete visions of human dignity; [and] Stand with the most vulnerable people in the world when the world has left.” In 2016, they prepared a White Paper “Toward the Abolition of Strategic Nuclear Weapons: A Just War Analysis of Total War”. Recently, they supported calls to have NATO disbanded. https://stream.org/rfk-jr-is-right-we-need-to-disband-nato-which-has-morphed-into-a-suicide-pact/ They also linked to a report by the Committee on the Judiciary and Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, i.e. on how Biden White House officials coerced tech companies into censoring civilians. https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/Censorship-Industrial-Complex-WH-Report_Appendix.pdf (No sign of this on CP, AP, etc.)
The recent Biden/Trump debate gave Americans a chance to see what their mainstream media has been keeping from them. Now headlines scream that President Biden’s debate performance sends Democrats “into a panic”. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/biden-debate-performance-democrats-panic-rcna157279
EDITOR’S NOTE: How much more will people panic when they realize other truths that have been kept from them? 2000 Ukrainian deaths A DAY when Ukrainian leaders were ready to sign a peace deal a few months into the conflict, but were prevented from doing so by Boris Johnson. 17+ million casualties from the COVID-19 vaccine. No need for carbon tax as climate fluctuations have causes other than CO2. Dedollarizaiton is well underway, soon to render US currency much weaker globally. NATO soon to collapse. Most of the recent $60 billion US pledged to Ukraine to go to US weapons makers. Massive inflation and potential nuclear war on the horizon. All this is kept quiet by mainstream news outlets. Would you rather KNOW in advance, instead of at the last minute? Who is helped by silence?
National Film Board: A Canadian Treasure
What a way to celebrate Canada! The extensive NFB Collection of animation & documentary films highlights Canadian lives & experiences. Visit & explore www.nfb.ca/
As Canadian as celebrating Canada Day, so is speculating on federal party election forecasts. Since 2020, the host of the YouTube Channel called "TheGreatCanadianBagel" has been pulling together all the various weekly election poll results for a comprehensive and colourful analysis. https://www.youtube.com/@TheGreatCanadianBagel
If all is going according to the plan, the DRUTHERS bus is now taking a well deserved break somewhere between Windsor & Sudbury ON. https://www.druthershq.com/topic/199-road-trip-route-list-of-dates-cities/ The team is obviously multi-tasking as the July issue needed to be made ready to print. They are reminding Canadians that the more donors, the more copies they can print. At 10 cents/copy this is a great deal! https://donorbox.org/druthers
Julian Assange’s 2011 Speech continued (from p. 1)
“I don't need to tell you the depravity of war. You are all too familiar with its images with the refugees of war, with information that we have revealed showing the everyday spoiler and barbarity of war. Information such as the individual deaths of over 130 000 people in Iraq, individual deaths that were kept secret by the US military who denied that they ever counted the deaths of civilians.
“Instead I want to tell you what I think is the way that wars come to be and that wars can be undone in democracies or the pseudo-democracies that we are evolving into. Wars are a result of lies. The Vietnam War and the push for U.S involvement was the result of the Gulf of Tonkin incident, a lie. Here the Iraq War famously is a result of lies. Wars in Somalia are a result of lies. The second World War and the German invasion of Poland was a result of carefully constructed lies. That is war by media.
“Let us ask ourselves of the complicit media which is the majority of the mainstream press: What is the average death count attributed to each journalist when we understand that wars come about as a result of lies peddled to the British public and the American public and the publics all over Europe and other countries? Then who are the war criminals? It is not just leaders. It is not just soldiers. It is journalists. Journalists are war criminals and why one might think that that should lead us to a state of despair? That the reality that is constructed around us is constructed by liars, is constructed by people who are close to those that they are meant to be policing?
“It should lead us also to an optimistic understanding, because if wars can be started by lies, … peace can be started by truth. So that is our task and it is your task. Go and get the truth, get into the ballpark and get the ball, and give it to us and we'll spread it all over the world.”
There have been no new recent posts on the WikiLeaks site. But this link gives readers an idea of the range of topics addressed. wikileaks.org/+-Intelligence-+.html See this 53 minute documentary re: WikiLeaks and the events following major releases of classified information on the platform. www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5F2LFEcSuQ