CSN Week 14 - June 24 - Vol. 1 - Issue 14
When the courts don't work, when media doesn't report, when COVID-VAX critical news abounds, when war is deadly, and when different visions for a global future emerge...
Editor’s Note: A few hours after we published this issue, news of Julian Assange’s release started circulating. See this as an update to the reference to him on Page 2. ca.news.yahoo.com/assange-release-victory-journalists-around-113700089.html
Additionally, we became aware of the latest video update from German-America lawyer Reiner Fuellmich (posted June 16)https://www.bitchute.com/channel/QZB4uBNsfE0m/
Vax Injury Rate on par with Violent Crime Rate
In 2021, Canada’s police-reported violent crime rate was 1323 per 100,000 population. Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) issued an Advisory Committee Statement (ACS) on December 23, 2020, on the use of COVID-19 vaccines. In it, they stated that neither Pfizer nor Moderna had provided any data as to the efficacy of their products. Data analyst Lex Acker compares the rate of Severe and Life-Threatening Adverse Event ratios that were KNOWN TO NACI at the time, with Canada’s violent crime rate for 2021:
His full report can be seen here: freedomandinvesting.substack.com/p/moderna-and-pfizer-disclosed-to-naci.
Putin’s visit to North Korea Contrasts with Zelensky’s failed Swiss Peace Conference
Please see page 4.
Find us here…
Welcome to Issue 14! Find us here: canadianshareablenews.substack.com/. “Old-timey” newspapers are regaining popularity in our digital age, so print off our PDFs and share them. First time readers might be surprised that many of the stories we present are NOT reported on by the Canadian Press news agency. In addition to functioning as a news wire service, CP also runs a public relations/marketing service for corporations. That begs the question: What happens when the news is bad for any of CP’s corporate customers? Does it stay unreported? www.thecanadianpressnews.ca/
Reporting on Lawsuits
The dam of silence is breaking as legal actions unearth more and more revelations in the immense “Who dun it?” mystery that has enveloped our globe these last few years. We focus on a few here.
Paradigm SHIFT
Founder of the Canadian Patriot Review, Matthew Ehret explains the clash between those who envision a multi-polar world without one dominating power and those who drive us to war. See page 4.
HOMEGROWN HEROES - Going beyond the call of duty
This issue is full of heroes - stepping up and leading the way, putting a lot of time, money and effort on the line in order to hopefully set precedents to prevent injustices from being carried out again. To find out more, see: Police on Guard, The Democracy Fund, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms & the Constitutional Rights Centre, which list pandemic related cases on their websites: policeonguard.ca/news/ , www.thedemocracyfund.ca/tags/legal, https://www.jccf.ca/cases/ www.constitutionalrightscentre.ca/crc-cases/. There are other lawyers working independently, including Katherine Beyak, Marilyn Burns, Eva Chipiuk, Catherine Christianson, Jeffry Rath, Umar Shik, Lee Turner and many more across the country, often working nearly pro bono or at drastically reduced rates in the quest for justice.
Lawsuit Withdrawn
Vaccine safety advocate Ted Kuntz, a board member of Vaccine Choice Canada, recently announced the decision to withdraw a lawsuit that named PM Justin Trudeau, Dr. Teresa Tam and a range of public health officials. As Canadian courts resort to “taking judicial notice” (i.e. accepting the public health ‘safe & effective’ narrative on vaccines) true justice seems hard to achieve. See: vaccinechoicecanada.com/legal/notice-of-discontinuance/ & www.constitutionalrightscentre.ca/20CRC16/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/vcc-statement-of-claim-2020-
Landmark Cases NOT in major Headlines
**State of Kansas files lawsuit against Pfizer, alleging it misled the public about the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine.
**Landmark German court ruling finds that PCR tests are not fit for the purpose of COVID diagnoses, and are up to 97% unreliable.
**Australian Senate hearing finds that Pfizer manipulated trial results by hiding deaths in the vaccinated arm.
** U.S. Attorneys Officially Send Criminal Referrals of Murder, Terrorism, Human Trafficking, Kidnapping and other crimes for Anthony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins, Deborah Birx, Peter Daszak, Rick Bright, Robert Redfield, Stephen Hahn and Cliff Lane.
**British celebrity doctors are found to have received money via a PR company from Astra Zeneca prior to promoting the products on TV. **The Indian Bar Association sued WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan on May 25, accusing her in a 71-point brief of causing the deaths of Indian citizens by misleading them about Ivermectin.
**Julian Assange has recently won the chance to appeal the US extradition order. This order would send him to face trial after dodging the US authorities since his 2010 release of video footage of a US airstrike on Baghdad in 2007 - seen by many as evidence of US commission of a war crime. stellaassangeofficial.substack.com/.
Assange’s commitment to truth telling at all costs has kept him in confinement for nearly 14 years, including the last 4 in London’s Belmarsh Prison. (Editor’s Note: This one story WAS covered by CP.)
CanuckLaw Critiques Ineffective Cases
In recent posts, authors writing for the CanuckLaw website list off a number of COVID-19 related cases that were poorly written to begin with, or that were allowed to stall without much action, or are being withdrawn, most likely without refunding the donors who are being left with little or no value for their donations. canucklaw.ca/recent-posts/ (June 20, 2024)
German Lawyer in jail 3 months
Corporate attorney Reiner Fuellmich was once celebrated for his role in the conviction of VW for emissions fraud. Later, as lead council of the German ‘Corona Investigative Committee’, he and others invited data analysts, scientists, legal and academic professionals to testify online in front of a global audience. The resulting collection of testimonies was pivotal for early advocates of informed consent and medical freedom during the COVID years. Since then, Fuellmich has been arrested and held in a German prison for over three months. For the convoluted back story, readers can check: seemorerocks.substack.com/p/update-on-dr-reiner-fuellmich-three. Recent news is that the judge currently running his case now faces a counter charge himself. elsaiselsa.substack.com/cp/145804060
Former US Federal Agents and others announced that Criminal Referral Requests Against Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky, and other Public Health Officials Have Been Submitted to District Attorneys in Louisiana.
See also her post from June 21: synthetic bioengineered particles in global spraying may resemble the COVID injections.
On June 17, eight well-known medical, scientific and legal professionals presented the latest data on COVID-19 vaccination, vaccine injuries and non-vaccine based COVID treatment to a Calgary AB audience of 500, with a countless others viewing live streams during or after the event. aninjectionoftruth.ca/research/ Each of the speakers referred to published, peer-reviewed data as well as official government statistics that point in only one direction.The COVID-19 mRNA injections cannot be scientifically supported as safe for any age group. Neither are they effective in the prevention of disease or disease transmission.
An accurate risk/benefit analysis shows that particularly for low risk individuals, like children, the risks of injection far outweigh potential (theoretical) benefits. Children do not yet have fully developed ACE-2 receptors (spots that encourage viral adhesion) and therefore are not generally at risk of getting severe COVID-19 infections.
The data shows that after the vaccine rollout, children began having weakened immunity to COVID-19 and other infections. Injected children are becoming disabled and dying at an alarming rate. There is now a call to the Health Minister to ban these injections for children based on a plethora of research.
However, in Alberta, vaccine science has become politicized. Opposition NDP-adjacent media outlets appear to refuse to get the message. Their reports echo comments made by Rachel Notley, the NDP Opposition Leader at the time of the event.
Polar Opposite Approaches to Journalism
When reporting on the Injection of Truth event in Calgary, Matthew Ehret, the founder of the geopolitical journal Canadian Patriot, went straight to the source. He sat down with Mike Holmes, an organizer of the event, to gain an understanding of the issues and the people who were being invited to speak. Holmes explained that efforts had been made to invite those who believe in the safety and efficacy of the mRNA product in children to present their data at the event as well, an offer that was declined. rumble.com/v510ece-an-injection-of-truth-with-mike-holmes.html Meanwhile, David Climenhaga, the founder of AlbertaPolitics.ca shares many of the unsupported talking points circulating among those with a purely ideological, not an evidence-based mindset. albertapolitics.ca/2024/06/are-you-alright-alberta-the-rest-of-canada-wants-to-know-if-youre-not-theyll-be-happy-to-take-your-doctors/
2022 Senate Ruling AGAINST Medical Coercion
In July 2022 the Canadian Senate noted that "forced or coerced sterilization is a crime in Canada, constituting an offence under one or more sections of the Criminal Code, such as sections 265 (assault), 267 (assault causing bodily harm) and 268 (aggravated assault), and that in addition, all provinces and territories have legislation requiring consent for medical care and treatment.” freedomandinvesting.substack.com (Feb 26) Data analyst Lex Acker added this comment: “Vaccination is a medical treatment/intervention/procedure just like sterilization. The arguments against forced and coerced sterilization also apply to coerced vaccination.”
To see which petitions on which issues are currently open for signatures, concerned Canadians visit www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Home/Index. This lets citizens know what is being brought before Parliament for consideration. Here are just a FEW examples, the list of open petitions is much longer: e-4911 re: farmers not compensated for food growing costs; e-4932 advertising harms of opioids; e-4979 changing foreign policy to a focus on peace & withdrawal from NATO; e-4988 on Canada Disability Benefit (CDB); e-5024 on Confidence in Government; e-5035 on Disability Tax Credits; e-5010 on informed consent for Gender Transition Surgery; e-5018 on the sale of Canadian Nickel to Israel and more.
Cuba announces it is joining South Africa's genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice.
The Druthers bus has been making progress on the way west. According to their Facebook page, they are now in Ontario not far from Niagra, Facebook might be the best way to follow their trip. www.facebook.com/darlene.dwyer.7/videos/807872144654454/
Deep State versus Patriots - Competing Visions for our Future
In May 2022, Bonnie Faulkner, the host of the interview series ‘Guns and Butter’, spoke with Canadian geopolitical analyst Matthew Ehret. The resulting conversation illustrates two world views - the “great global reset dystopia, as envisioned by the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization” versus an emerging multi-polar world centred around an alignment on global topics and new opportunities to promote mutual economic development and growth. www.gunsandbutter.org/blog/2022/05/11/deep-state-versus-patriots-clash-in-russia-china-and-usa For background on BRICS+ see www.bcg.com/publications/2024/brics-enlargement-and-
War & Peace
Putin’s visit to North Korea Contrasts with Zelensky’s failed Swiss Peace Conference
Regular listeners to the geopolitical experts interviewed at Dialogue Works are aware that the recent conference in Switzerland meant to establish peace between Russia and Ukraine failed to meet its aims. Russia had not been invited to the one-sided event. Meanwhile, the overtures made by Russian President Putin to North Korea and Vietnam are game changers for global geopolitics. See www.youtube.com/@dialogueworks01 for daily updates. See also https://canadianshareablenews.substack.com/p/introducing-dialogue-works.
The CANADIAN PATRIOT is a joint project featuring the work of Matthew Ehret and Cynthia Chung focussing on “historical analysis, geopolitics, cultural warfare and other studies in Conspiracy Science…The Canadian Patriot is both a geopolitical journal and a platform for a broader discussion about Canada’s role as a sovereign participant within this harmony of nations which is now emerging.” canadianpatriot.org/about-us/