CSN Press Room - BC Ostrich Farm Story Threatens Pharma Profits & Opens Eyes to the Bigger Context
PRESS RELEASE - Two Upcoming Opportunities to hear from analysts
For widespread distribution.
CSNews February 3, 2025 Contact H. Noerenberg CanadianShareableNews@proton.me
Why is the Government Now Planning to Kill the Ostriches that can Stop Epidemics?
Back in 2019, 2020 and 2022 the science world was optimistic that the answer to pandemic immunity lay in Ostrich eggs. Now the Ostriches that lay these Eggs are on Death Row.
Owners of the 400 ostriches at Universal Ostrich Farm near Edgewood BC are breathing a sigh of relief, following the recent 30 day reprieve on the mass cull order declared earlier by officials at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. This CFIA ‘depopulation order’ was given while Health Canada’s webpage indicates that Avian Flu is not a risk to humans or to meat and egg production.
Following an earlier bout of avian flu on the farm, it was noted that only the youngest ostriches became ill, as the eldest have developed immunity to the disease causing pathogen.The eggs produced on this farm have long been the subjects of antibody research both in Japan and in the USA.
Many people question the CFIA’s order that every animal be euthanized. That order came after the CFIA only tested two deceased ostriches refusing to test any live healthy animals. During the COVID-19 era, it was found that when set to high test cycle counts, PCR testing has been deemed to have a 95% false positivity rate. CFIA officials declined to say at which rate their testing is being done.
Information provided by the CFIA indicated that the owners could be jailed or severely fined if they attempted to provide any medical treatment to any ill ostriches instead of ending their lives. And that the owners could be given financial compensation if they allowed outside contractors to ‘humanely’ ‘depopulate’ the animals — but not if they were to do it themselves. A 30 day injunction was sought and successfully obtained by a number of supporters of the farm (occasionally referred to as ‘Team Big Bird’).
There are two upcoming opportunities to hear from those are able to situate the evolving saga of the BC Ostrich Farm into the larger global context. Speakers plan to illuminate the threat to the entire vaccine development industry being posed by the success of internationally renowned research into antibodies derived from ostrich eggs supplied by this farm.
the Stop C-293 Committee will be holding an X-space on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 7:30 pm ET https://x.com/stopc293comtee/status/1886514386673549557?s=46
an International Round Table involving the scientists carrying out the antibody research is in the planning stages. The exact date and time have yet to be confirmed, although Saturday, February 8 is the preferred date. Specifics will be posted at this site:
Interested scientists or data analysts are invited to contact the organizers of both events here: takeyourpowerback@proton.me
For further information, please see:
The Universal Ostrich Farm website https://www.universalostrich.ca/#jD7HTdbU5
The citizen action site Save Our Ostriches: https://bcrising.ca/save-our-ostriches/
A citizen action tool which allows letters to be sent to MPs. See also three different interviews on the topic of the CFIA orders including one with US comedian/critical news commentator Jimmy Dore who has also taken an interest in the topic.
An article published in March 2019 by Audubon Magazine: How the Biggest Birds on Earth Could Help Fend Off Epidemics
An article published in March 2020 by BusinessWire: Ostrich Pharma USA Produces Antibodies to Block the Virus that Causes COVID-19
B.C. ostrich farm developing antibodies that could put an end to coronavirus. An article written in BC Castanet in August 2021 & the Ostrigen product website. It provides information about Dr. Yasuhiro Tsukamoto & his antibody research.
The current version of Bill C-293 as it was presented to the Senate for Second Reading, prior to the prorogation of Parliament: https://www.parl.ca/documentviewer/en/44-1/bill/C-293/third-reading. See this citizen action intended to build awareness of the danger inherent in the vagueness of Bill C-293: killbill293.com/
The WHO Apparatus: The Hidden Influence of National IHR Focal Points and Implications for Sovereign Health Governance (an article co-authored by Canadian Lawyer Lisa Miron, focussing on the National Focal Points of the WHO in the USA. The Public Health Agency of Canada has been the WHO National IHR Focal Point since 2005. See also this post on the world wide network of WHO “collaborating centres” THE UN AND AGRICULTURAL LABS and the intent to 'EXIT THE WHO’.
A letter to journalists and background context shared on January 31, 2025 by Canadian Shareable News One Sided Reporting on the Ostrich Farm News Story Note also two previous press releases on Bill C-293 and the topic of bioweapons research as the source of pandemics. https://canadianshareablenews.substack.com/p/csn-press-room-canadians-seek-defeat & https://canadianshareablenews.substack.com/p/csn-press-room-one-health-vs-gain And this Information on Global Public Private Partnerships (WEF + UN)
Various posts by a well-read Alberta citizen journalist
First, They Came for the Ostriches.... Will There Be Anyone Left to Speak for You if You Do Not Speak for the Ostriches? A conversation with the Ostrich Farmer and a fierce critic of the United Nations and the World Health Organization
I Just Need a Hug...The emotional toll on all of us as distressing news leads to isolation (includes the topic of biodigital convergence (which is also outlined in Canadian government documents such as this one.)
Shut the Barn Door: Every Horse Is a Trojan in Disguise. A thorough explanation of how many of the “agendas” being implemented throughout the country are intended to make global governance a reality.
Connect the dots Canada - the BC Ostrich Farm Story is the Natural Immunity answer to shutting down the bioweapon pHARMa industry. David E. Martin broke head shaking expose on Alex Jones Info Wars:
63 Gain of Function Bioweapon va##ines are currently in production in US universities.