One Sided Reporting on the Ostrich Farm News Story
Sharing letters written by a BC citizen advocate - If only journalists were already trained to follow Critical Balance Reporting Indicators in their work! Even the CFIA would make better decisions!
UPDATE: Additional examples of citizen correspondence and further news reporting is being added as the story develops.
Message to the Vancouver Sun
Message to and from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Challenge to the CFIA re: PCR testing
CSNews Article (January 28, 2025)
Canada’s Ostrich Story on US TV
Predicting a Psy-Op - The leaked Health Canada Zoom call
A 30 day reprieve
The Larger Context
Citizens becoming Actively Concerned about Disproportionate Measures coming from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency
These emails were shared with Canadian Sharable News on January 31, 2025 in response to reports about the Save Our Ostrich Campaign.
I Message to the Vancouver Sun
Pointing at Glaring Omissions in Journalist Coverage of the Ostrich Farm Orders
To the author of this news story:
Federal government offers $1.2 million to B.C. farmer ordered to cull ostrich
Dear Vancouver Sun Writer,
Your report on the ostriches has a few glaring omissions:
The order to kill the ostriches, healthy ostriches, is based on a FLAWED PCR test. This test is not an acceptable measure of any kind of infection and even less a test of potential transmission.
Please also research the facts that CFIA did NO other testing of feces, of soil or indeed of any migrating birds.
Please note that an anonymous call Dec 29 led CFIA to the farm.
It doesn’t take much research, (if staff writers still do any independent research) to determine that Kerry Mullis deemed his PCR test was not to be used as a diagnostic tool. Sadly, he is dead.
Please let me know if you want me to point you in the direction of real journalism.
II Message to and from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Informing CFIA of Citizen Outrage re: its own Actions (Message & Response)
As a BC citizen and supporter of local farmers and local produce, I am OUTRAGED that culling these innocent animals is even remotely an issue. The so called science being used to make this decision is completely erroneous and UNPROVEN. This is an psy-op designed to financially break the farmer. Stop this insanity immediately.
West AI Info Officer / Ouest IA Agent d'Information (CFIA/ACIA) <>
Hello NAME
Thank you for contacting us with your concerns about the ostrich farm in BC.
The CFIA's ongoing response to the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak in domestic birds is in an effort to protect the health of Canadian animals, the Canadian public and the livelihoods of many Canadian poultry farmers. The CFIA is committed to following Canada’s stamping-out policy for domestic birds infected with avian influenza. We take the responsibility to protect the health of animals and Canadians extremely seriously as we conduct these necessary disease control measures.
When the difficult measure of depopulation is completed, producers can be awarded compensation under the Compensation for Destroyed Animals and Things Regulations. Compensation is based on the fair market value of the animals. For ostriches, compensation of up to $3000 per bird can be awarded.
We understand your concerns, and invite you to learn more about the CFIA's response to HPAI ostriches.
Thank you
CFIA HPAI Info officer
III Challenge to the CFIA re: PCR testing
Challenging the Testing Techniuque being referenced by the CFIA Officer
Email to the Info officer and to Mr Paul McKinnon CFIA
Here is a little 2 part challenge for you: if CFIA is using scientific procedure to pursue a death sentence for 400 HEALTHY ostriches, why is the PCR test the ONLY test used?
a) Please provide reasoning for using ONE test only and ignoring all other evidence to decide death is the only solution to a minor health problem at a very specialized farm.
b) Provide Proof that the PCR test is a valid test with high reliability. What were the number of cps used in the PCR test?
There is not much time left. If the CFIA persists in using faulty and incomplete testing to prove the ostriches are an ONGOING health risk, they will be committing an irreversible action that sets an alarming precedent.
Please do your due diligence before further action is taken at the ostrich farm.
NOTE: See this collection of information re: PCR testing.
IV CSNews Article (January 28, 2025)
Here is a copy of our Canadian Shareable News article on the topic:
Drastic Impacts on Farmers due to ramped up Avian Flu Scare
An anonymous call to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency has led to CFIA officials ordering 400 healthy ostriches being culled on February 1, 2025. This family farm had been raising ostriches for nearly 40 years. The animals are not being raised for food. Rather, the eggs are used for antibody research as reported here: The CFIA’s manual on Avian Influenza (AI) does not specify whether AI testing and surveillance involves PCR testing. For SARS-CoV-2 testing, virologists confirmed that PCR testing greatly overestimates infections with many false positive test results. In November 2024, Siemens Farms in Abbotsford, B.C. was previously expected to cull 30,000 hens. CFIA’s Genomic’s Unit provides this open source repository of data tools. Supporters of the ostrich farm fear its owners may be charged a $200,000 fine or up to 6 months in jail if at this point in the process they treat their ostriches instead of culling them. Supporters may get more information here.
Drastic Impacts on Farmers due to ramped up Avian Flu Scare. Canadian Shareable News. Week 44 - January 28, 2025 - Vol. 2 - Issue 4. Page 6.
V. Canada’s Ostrich Story on Popular US Show
Jimmy Dore was a famous US comedian even before his own COVID-19 vaccine injury. Since that time, he has used his comedy platform to highlight many “inconvenient” news stories not being given balanced coverage in the mainstream media ecosystem. This was his interview with the daughter of the ostrich farm owner on January 30, 2025.
A co-host on the Jimmy Dore Show had previously taken time to speak to another BC resident to get more insight into the depth of censorship in Canada. In June, 2024, former Global News producer Anita Krishna shared what happens in Canada when mainstream media journalists ask too many questions.
VI Predicting a Psy-Op - The leaked Health Canada Zoom call
A psychological operation is a tactic of Fifth Generation Warfare.
A psychological operation (psyop) is an unit of psychological warfare, which takes a hostile stance to other people and tries to trick them.[1]
Former CIA agent Philip Agee defined psychological operations as "propaganda (also known simply as media), work in youth and student organizations, work in labor organizations (trade unions, etc.), work in professional and cultural groups, and in political parties".[2] (
So far, five “generations” of warfare have been identified.
Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) is propaganda and information warfare to accomplish strategic, operational, and tactical objectives, without measurable damage that the target can identify. Importantly in 5GW the target may not even know it has been attacked, thus the target has already lost that battle.[2]
Fifth-generation warfare is conducted primarily through non-kinetic military action, such as social engineering, misinformation, and cyberattacks, along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems. Fifth generation warfare has been described by Daniel Abbot as a war of "information and perception".[3]
The COVID-19 project has involved an unprecedented level of internet censorship and gaslighting to the point of being termed menticide - an attack on the mind. James Corbett writes: "Most of the victims of this warfare aren't even able to identify it as war, nor do they understand that they are combatants in it."[4]
Wayne Peters founded an independent media platform after personally seeing the disconnect between ‘mainstream’ media reporting and events unfolding in real life. In particular, he observed glaring lies in reporting on the 2019 United We Roll convoy of oil and gas industry workers protesting the potential impacts of current federal energy policies.
February 14, 2019, I went out on my first assignment, by request, to cover and document a convoy of Canadians who set out from Alberta.
They left in the dead of a nasty winter on an adventure that by the time it was over I knew had planted the seeds of a very different society of Canadians, those resisting Globalism.
On January 31, 2024 Peters points out a number of connections:
Bird flu insanity is here, the government has embraced totalitarianism and unjustified murder. Canada's pattern of obsessive extremism is unjustified, it should come as no surprise this is under Mark Holland’s portfolio.
In addition to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Canada’s Health Minister Mark Holland’s portfolio includes oversight of the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program and of the Canadian Institutes for Health Research. The latter is a funding agency for “Science Up First” which purports to fight misinformation.
In the broadcast episode entitled Unjustified Government - Fake Virus, Fake Tests, Real Culling, Peters references a leaked Zoom call involving Canada’s Public Health lead, Dr. Teresa Tam, in conversation with provincial public health officials including Dr. Bonnie Henry of British Columbia. On this call, it becomes clear that officials in the Canadian Agriculture Branch did not share Dr. Tam’s concerns about a potential animal to human transmission of Avian Flu. Statements such as the following are heard in this discussion:
‘The message is not getting across’
'We have methods to escalate so we need to morph into what we have'
'Enhanced surveillance'
‘Layers of more surveillance regarding the swine and relevant farm animals regarding the provinces’
‘Expand search capacity down the line’
‘Goat Milk, Sheep Milk use creativity’. ‘farm cats are pets’
Things can be done: Community 'outrage' Bonnie suggests through the raw milk people
Through Chief Veterinarians
"We shut down mink farms and they launched a law suit against us that was just thrown out yesterday.. " giggles Bonnie Henry.
Peters summarizes the content of the leaked Zoom call as follows:
Dr Tam is architecting the next manufactured Pandemic in this leaked zoom call….
First they want to find it, (so search harder...) then they have to expand it, then they have to scream prevention. Move faster, get the veterinarians involved, it's relatively urgent. We're developing the surveillance. On the messaging... focus on the raw milk people and this will go fairly smoothly. Don't feed your cats raw milk??? We'll shut down the meat farms, coming for yours Ontario....
VII A 30 day Reprieve
Posted on the Save Our Ostriches page of the BCRising website
UPDATE – January 31, 2025 – We Won Phase 1
Our fantastic team of scientists and lawyers went to court for an injunction to halt the mass slaughter of the 400 Ostriches.
We won the injunction to keep the ostriches alive until a judicial review is heard on the original order. The review must be done within 30 days.
VIII The Larger Context
Many are noting that this story about 400 ostriches and a potential monetary “bail out” has bigger ramifications that simply a farm family about to lose their livelihood due to public health orders. For the larger context, we are choosing to add links to various other posts.
Due to the collusion between the world’s largest pharmaceutical, media and surveillance corporations, public health, political and other decision makers are operating without accurate evidence-based information on health, pandemics, climate and more. People have been noting a long standing move toward global health governance specifically and global governance more generally.
The link to this post from October 23, 2024 was sent to members of Canada’s Senate to provide further context ahead of the planned second reading of Bill C-293. CSN Press Room - 'One Health' vs 'Gain of Function': Which pandemic cause has stronger evidence? It its bioweapon ‘gain of function’ research that drives pandemics.
There is a long history of lab based manipulation of avian flu as outlined by bioweapon expert Dr. Meryl Nass. Search for ‘avian flu’ here.
The answer key to a brief quiz on Pandemic Prevention here leads to links and explanations around the long history of Global Health Governance initiatives.
The author at Wine Press News devotes a section to “Medical Mandates”. A resent post, entitled HHS Gives Moderna $590 Million To Produce MRNA Bird Flu Vaccine, As Georgia Halts Poultry Sales Due To Infection
The United States Health and Human Services (HHS) is providing biotech company Moderna to create a new mRNA vaccine to combat H5N1 bird flu, an outbreak that purportedly continues to get worse and worse by the day, such as in the case in Georgia where poultry sales have been halted after the virus was detected in the state.
Other posts here include:
As was the case with SARS-CoV-2, it took laboratory ‘Gain of Function’ research to sufficiently enhance a naturally occurring pathogen. This study discusses the potential for such research involving ducks in laboratories in the Netherlands and in Georgia being the source of H5N1 Avian Influenza.
On its website, Health Canada refers to a “widespread epidemic of avian influenza”
Human infections with avian influenza A(H5N1) are rare and usually occur after close contact with infected birds or highly contaminated environments such as poultry farms or live animal markets. Infection may also occur after exposure to other infected animals, including wildlife and livestock, such as cattle. Learn more about who is most at risk of exposure and infection.
Some infected people may not develop any symptoms at all. However, if symptoms do develop, illness can range from mild to very severe, including death. It usually takes from 1 to 5 days, and occasionally longer, for symptoms to appear after exposure.
And yet, Health Canada also states:
Avian influenza is not a food safety concern. There is no evidence to suggest that eating cooked poultry or eggs could transmit the virus to humans.
400 Ostriches face extermination in British Columbia
hundreds of thousands of chickens are being “depopulated” - particularly in the USA
chicken deaths reported “because of avian flu” are often more likely because of the culling of healthy chickens out of “an abundance of caution” as explained here
in addition to food shortages due to drought, weather events and disruptions in the supply chain, culling protein sources will drive up cost and lead to hunger
(no longer accessible on the website)