Schiller Institute Calls for "Council of Reason" of Elder Statesmen/Women
Livestream with Helga Zepp-Larouche reminds all of the need for Diplomacy to back off from Chaos
(Updated on July 19)
Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche issued an invitation to a live streamed dialogue held on Thursday July 18:
The invitation included these thoughts:
“The next three and a half months will be a period of maximum danger, escalation of military conflict around Ukraine and Southwest Asia, increasing ungovernability in France and possibly other countries, increasing financial turbulence, and above all the escalating danger of a direct military confrontation between `Global NATO’ and Russia and China.
“Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary started an exploratory mission to Kyiv, Moscow and Beijing, and found that the road to diplomacy does exist. We therefore call on Elder Statesmen, religious leaders, former diplomats and elected officials, retired military and other civilian leaders—from all nations—to step forward and create a Council of Reason to explore the potential for a new international security and development architecture, which can take into account the interests of every single country on the planet.”
Since 1984, the Schiller Institute aims to apply the ideas of the poet and philosopher Friedrich Schiller to the contemporary geopolitical situation in which the world finds itself. Schiller was a classical German playwright, author and professor of history and philosophy who lived from 1759 to 1805.
The Schiller Institute has frequently sponsored international conferences promoting "peace through development". Lyndon LaRouche, the late husband of Ms. Zepp-LaRouche had long proposed infrastructure projects such as the "Eurasian Land Bridge", the Belt and Road Initiative, major water projects including the "Oasis Plan" in the Middle East, as well as proposals for debt relief and a sweeping reorganization of the world monetary system. Instead of supporting the "Clash of Civilizations" thesis of Samuel Huntington, Zepp-LaRouche and the Schiller Institute advcate for a "Dialogue of Cultures" based on "shared mutually beneficial and balanced development".
Concerned Citizens, in particular those who have had governance experience in the past, are invited to come forward as a “Council of Reason”. During the Thursday
in order to introduced the topic of the upcoming weekly Friday online meeting of the International Peace Coalition (IPC) held on July 19 to help pull society back from the bring of World War III.
Here is a summary of the points discussed among participants at last Friday’s meeting:
To receive an email with the link to the Friday International Peace Coalition meetings, see:
However, readers are invited to sign up for invitations to other types of events from the Schiller Institute here:
The attached PDF is a copy of an email sent by CanadianShareableNews to Canadian media outlets. It can also be sent to Canadian Members of Parliament/Senators etc.
As live streams conclude, summaries of key points addressed are posted to Additional notes from Thursday, July 18 are being posted below.
In response to questions sent in by listeners:
Zepp-LaRouche lists serious paradigm shifts follow many key political assassinations in the past. This was in response to a question whether NATO could have had a role to play in the attempted assassination.
One of the biggest problems today, many people have become so small, they so easily let themselves be distracted (example for four weeks many adults showed so much emotion around European Soccer games, but not about life and death issues around the future of humanity that is currently at play. People leave politics to those who are very much in the pockets of BigMoney Wall Street institution.
To have a functioning republic, we also need an educated citizenry.
Q: What is so threatening about Victor Orban of Hungary that the EU bureaucracy is moving to punish him and his country?
F16s are slated for installation in Ukraine this months. The escalation allowing nations to strike deep into Russia can lead to WWIII.
Victor Orban became chair of the EU - he immediately spoke to leadership of Ukraine, Russia, China, NATO, etc. His ‘Crime’ is talking peace. “If you look at the policies of the EU, the US, NATO, etc. at no point have they pursued an option of PEACE.” Orban is pursuing the option to prevent WWIII by diplomatic solutions. Robert Fico of Slovakia also survived an attempted assassination. If his health had permitted it, he would have travelled with Orban.
If it comes to this war, which will be a global war, Europe will be destroyed.
You have bellicose war factions in many countries of the world right now, but you also have many people who feel they have to “go along to get along” who don’t want to lose there current seat in the next election. Those who are called “lukewarm” in the Bible.
Then you have a lot of people who are completely ignorant and who don’t know how close we are to WWIII.
We are the only species endowed with reason, but if we are going to allow for our own self-extinction, we are in a bad state.
In Germany Scholtz said the US made the decision to install long range missiles in Germany and he simply agreed with it. Where is German sovereignty? Where are the millions of people who went on the streets in the 1980s to protest this?