CSN Week 26 - September 17, 2024 - Vol. 1 - Issue 26
When a Censor apologizes, when Senators get back to work, when peace is sabotaged, when some fear food rationing, others fear surveillance tech, and there are books to be read and music to be made!
Editor’s Note: Awaiting news about the Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Bill up for Second Reading on Tuesday September 17, we pushed back our Monday publishing routine. But, there wasn’t much to report as that topic ended up being pushed on to another day… In the meantime though, more dramatic world news came out.
2nd note added on Sept 22 - We are replacing a headline in our War & Peace Section - Nuland admits Sabotaging Peace Deal SHOULD READ Nuland admits West Sabotaged Peace Deal (With apologies to our readers.)
Writing in her Substack on September 6, Johnstone continued: “They wouldn’t pour so much energy into protecting that part of the imperial machine if it wasn’t very vulnerable to attack. So we attack it. We cultivate a habit of small acts of sedition, trying to do something every day to de-normalize the abuses of the empire in the eyes of the public. Our historically unprecedented ability to share ideas and information around the world in real time makes circulating unauthorized materials much easier than it used to be, and much more democratic. This is something we can all dedicate ourselves to. The machine is far too big and powerful for us to take down on our own, but if enough minds can become unplugged from the narrative matrix, we can definitely bring it down together. Once enough minds are pointed at this project, more concrete solutions will emerge and begin gaining traction in our collective consciousness.” www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/revolution-is-now
This past weekend, the world was on the brink of war, one that could quickly have escalated to nuclear war, as the Biden regime had been considering allowing Ukraine to send (American directed) long range weapons into Russia. US Military analyst Scott Ritter explains how Pentagon officials were able to push back on those running the White House, indicating that Russia was not bluffing when it outlined its potential response to such a move. Meanwhile, in back and forth retaliation moves Israel used a shipment of pagers as explosives in Lebanon, killing 9, and injuring the Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon along with 2,750 others. www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifEN4Dt1WXs www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/9/17/dozens-of-hezbollah-members-wounded-after-pagers-explode-in-lebanon
Find us here…
Welcome to a sobering Issue 26! You can find us online by looking up CanadianShareableNews on substack.com This week, we held off publication for one day to see how far the Pandemic Prevention & Preparedness Bill would move in the Senate. (See p. 3) We await also a news conference to be posted at www.wchcanada.news on Friday, Sept 20 with updates on both Bill C-293 AND the UN Summit of the Future Documents, both enabling unwanted control over Canadians.
HOMEGROWN HEROES - Going beyond the call of duty
AB Carrie Sakomoto’s life changed after she received her COVID-19 shot. The mother of three has been diagnosed with a Bell’s Palsy-like condition. Due to frequent vertigo, she can rarely leave her house. The condition has not only affected her appearance, it also includes neurological impairments and affects her ears, tongue and esophagus. As well, her memory has been so affected that she is being diagnosed with Alzheimer's Diseases and Related Dementias (ADRD). She is one of relatively few Canadian vaccine injured people to have her case accepted by Canada’s vaccine injury compensation program, yet this amounts to a one time payment. X amount per affected body part does little to cover ongoing medical costs, like the specialized physiotherapy which Carrie has been charging to her credit card and is unable to pay off. She courageously uses her voice on behalf of vaccine injured Canadians everywhere. Listen to her story here www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDhJ0u02KdA; find out about her lawsuit against the government: policeonguard.ca/demonstrably-unjustified-a-series-with-this-episodes-guests-eva-chipiuk-and-carrie-sakamoto/; & rumble.com/v3s2yg7-following-up-with-carrie-sakamoto-a-testimony-of-resilience-and-pursuit-of-.html. See how Facebook censors her: www.facebook.com/carriesak?mibextid=ZbWKwL.
The Globalist Book Wars: 120 to 6
The dedicated volunteers behind theylied.ca have put together an impressive book list. It includes the classic “must read” books to understand what is meant by “the globalist agenda” AND the work of diligent internet sleuths and scientific, medical, legal and other types of research professionals who provide evidence-based insights to help readers see Globalism with new, critical eyes. The Globalist Book List includes three penned by the CEO of the world’s largest corporate lobby group, the World Economic Forum’s top figure Klaus Schwab, along with three books by or about Techno-Entrepreneur Bill Gates - once infamous for his Microsoft Anti-Trust Affair yet who somehow regained favour via vaccine experiments on African children and is now buying up vast amounts of farmland and promoting synthetic and insect proteins. This is followed up by a very long line up of books on vaccine toxicities and resulting injuries, medical whistleblowers, science fraud, viral transmission, psychological manipulation, data coverup, emergency preparation, engineered energy crises, botched intelligence & security responses. Other books outline entire medical & research conference presentations, analyze the entire “Great Reset” project, as well as the “Green Agenda” and walk readers through evidence-based COVID prevention and treatment protocols. See: https://theylied.ca/Books.shtml
A New Look at Dimethyl Sulfoxide
Known in the 1960s as having healing properties, DMSO appears to have been nearly forgotten. Recently, researchers looked at its properties for cardiac, neurological and other conditions. www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/dmso-could-save-millions-from-
A Jump in U40 Influencer Deaths
A number of female internet celebrities in Australia and Brazil are dying of sudden onset cancers or cardiac related issues before age 40. Not mentioned in reports of their deaths is their COVID-19 vaccine status. Unfortunately in 2021, all manner of governments, think tanks etc. were targeting “influencers” to combat “vaccine hesitancy”. Societal drivers include the advice of experts, media, and other influencers within their demographic, socioeconomic, and innovation adoption segment. Influencers will need to mitigate concerns about the “newness” of the vaccine, such as the probability of side effects and solutions when they occur. They will also need to reinforce the positive consequences of taking the vaccine, such as the ability to visit family, go to work, and have more entertainment options hbswk.hbs.edu/item/how-influencers-celebrities-and-fomo-can-win-over-vaccine-skeptics; makismd.substack.com/p/video-young-social-media-influencers
Senators Back to Work
Following the summer break, the Senate welcomed new appointees, two from AB, and one each from NB and MB. Their agenda included the 2nd reading of Bill C-290 on whistleblower protection for public servants. They ran out of time for the 2nd reading of Bill C-293, the Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Bill, which was passed by the MPs on June 5, despite the serious problems explained by MB MP Ted Falk. www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeKfQ8c_n-g See also : www.canadaexitwho.org/c-293-handouts.
Regrets from FB CEO
Head of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg recently admitted having caved to pressure from the Biden administration to remove COVID-related information from his platform. “Zuckerberg said he regrets not speaking up earlier about the pressure and that he regrets having censored content.” therebelpatient.substack.com/p/zuckerberg-apologizes-for-facebook
U of Lethbridge professor emeritus Dr. Anthony Hall joins a discussion with US foreign policy analyst Jeremy Kuzmarov and US foreign relations expert and senior fellow at the Global Peace Foundation Emanuel Pastreich for a discussion on the “Menace of Intelligence Agencies Running Big Tech”. “Intelligence, the invisible fourth branch of government, obtained overwhelming dominance after the Second World War with the rise of the ideology of technology, the emergence of new tools for communications and surveillance, and has emerged over the last two decades as an unprecedented political, military, and economic power.” anthonyjhall.substack.com/p/the-menace-of-intelligence-agencies
War & Peace
The Great Divide: RBIO vs Multipolarity
A Financial Times article from January 2024 provides important context for many of the theatres of conflict emerging these past few years. www.ft.com/content/5a1a5d17-d37b-4242-8241-d81daa7467fc “For the US and its allies the “rules-based international order” (RBIO) underpins peace and stability. It demands respect for territorial integrity and international law, and the protection of minorities, small nations, democratic norms and the global trading system.Russia — often supported by China — argues this is hypocritical. The US, in Moscow’s view, writes the rules, imposes them on others and ignores them when convenient. Other nations that emphasize the RBIO are, from Moscow’s perspective, basically US vassals. Russia and China believe the decline of US global power is necessary and inevitable — the result being a more just world in which US power is constrained and multiple centres of power operate. According to the Russians and Chinese, this will allow different civilizations to live by their own rules, rather than having to hew to a Washington consensus. For the US and allies, these arguments are dishonest. The US and the EU believe that, while the idea of multipolarity can sound appealing, it often boils down to a demand from autocracies, in Moscow and Beijing, to have their own poles of influence. That means imposing their will on democratic neighbours like Ukraine and Taiwan. In different ways, the wars in Ukraine and Gaza — as well as the tensions in the South China Sea and the battle for opinion in the Global South — all involve this rhetorical struggle to shape the world order and the power realities that underpin it.”
Nuland admits Sabotaging Peace Deal
REWRITTEN TO: Nuland admits West Sabotaged Peace Deal
Former US diplomat Victoria Nuland recently admitted to having helped scuttle the peace deal that Presidents Putin and Zelensky had worked on prior to April 2022. Nuland was also one of the figures responsible for instigating the regime change operation (AKA “colour revolution”) in Ukraine in 2014. Newsweek had reported on former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s role in getting President Zelensky to drop the deal with Russia. Russia had stated it was ready to drop the war in trade for a commitment from Ukraine to neutrality and to drop its bid to join NATO. https://www.newsweek.com/russia-offered-end-war-if-ukraine-dropped-nato-bid-kyiv-official-1847373. While Reuters, which claims to be the world’s largest multimedia news provider, remains silent on the topic of Nuland’s role, viewers of comedian Jimmy Dore’s news show are regularly informed of major geopolitical developments. www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUqydBGBR5c&t=92s
Grocery Rationing in 4 years ?
As Canadian mainstream media finally mentions that Canada is not as rich as it once was, and Americans are discussing the steep decline of their purchasing power, www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDyI_d3KsDo, people are asking how long it might be before WWII-style rationing sets in. US author, publisher and economist Jeffrey A. Tucker explains how the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 gave the US government the authority to manage production and consumption, to set prices and ration food and other commodities. Today instead of paper food stamps, people would see monies transferred electronically and only some institutions would likely be allowed to sell foods, perhaps excluding farmers’ markets. brownstone.org/articles/grocery-rationing-within-four-years/. See also brownstone.org/articles/canadas-worst-decline-in-40-years/.
HOW TO preserve food…
Today the grandmotherly arts of canning and freezing foods are widely explained online, from the basics at www.wikihow.com/Freeze-Kale to more complex “off grid life” sites, www.anoffgridlife.com/how-to-can-food/, Health Canada has even posted a canning video. www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/video/food-nutrition/canning.html
ON A LIGHTER NOTE Homemade Instruments
MB Do It Yourselfer extraordinaire Lorne Collie was featured in an NFB documentary for his creativity. www.nfb.ca/film/home_cooked_music/
Childhood Vaccines Back in Ontario News
The CBC recently reported that over 15,ooo ON schoolchildren face suspension over incomplete immunization records. Not including flu or COVID shots, Ontario provincial legislation around immunization requires that children 6 and under receive 14 doses of various vaccines before being allowed to attend school, while in the US, CDC recommendation add up to 32 injections. oph.icon.ehealthontario.ca/#!/welcome., www.mnrights.org/_files/ugd/ec902b_7786be211c1d4bb3bf139bd8bda29f95.pdf Canadian policy makers, parents and the general public are invited to consult vaccinechoicecanada.com for clarity on the topic.
British Columbia - A Test Case for the Control Grid
No longer the paradise on the Pacific, British Columbia has seen a lot of change. Tent cities have been a feature in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island since 2018 but the recent addition of a free crack pipe vending machine touted as “harm reduction kiosks” was seen as having crossed the line. www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/harm-reduction-vending-machines-suspended-1.7321345 Farmers, faced with 400% property tax increases, are having to sell out. Taxes are now levied for “best available use” not current land use, so owners pay for dense housing that could replace their current uses, not their actual current use. New license regulations and slaughterhouse rules prevent farmers from getting meat products to markets. www.farmersunderground.ca/ Like the Medical Professions Act, now the Legal Professions Act threatens the independence of BC Lawyers, and can force “medical treatments” on them. “The law also directly regulates the conduct, competence and discipline of lawyers, and a lawyer can be compelled to receive medical treatment or counselling or face up to two years in jail.” vancouversun.com/news/local-news/b-c-lawyers-independence-under-threat-with-new-law-says-law-society-as-it-sues-province