CSN Week 25 - September 9, 2024 - Vol. 1 - Issue 25
When people (including 1 LIB MP & 1 CONS MP) start taking actions, when narratives crumble as truth emerges, when collective intelligence vs individualism becomes a topic of discussion, and much more
PM Ibrahim continued: “To those who have influence in the world, because they are finally accountable. No country, no person can continue to do this gross Injustice and tolerate the atrocities and think they are safe. I don't believe that can ever be accepted. We want justice to all mankind and of course we cannot deny Justice because of the different color or different religion or different Creed. Justice Means Justice For Humanity and it's time the Palestine and Palestinians are treated as human beings not as slaves or second class people. www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAKq_Uk2dvs&t=2s & read en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/75029 (See also page 3.)
On August 21, Tony Olienick and Chris Carbert were found not guilty of conspiring to kill police officers. Yet, they awaited a sentencing hearing for remaining charges around firearms violations and mischief. On Sept 9, after over spending over 923 days in remand without bail, the men were sentenced to an additional 6 1/2 years. With credit for time served, the pair is now facing 2 more years of jail time. For more, see https://x.com/BezirganMocha/status/1833217039772627209 &
NB Liberal MP seeks answers re: “Mystery Brain Illness” killing 39, injuring 111 patients under 45. (See page 2.)
Concerned Citizens Declare UN Summit documents INVALID due to lack of public knowledge (See page 3.)
Find us here…
Welcome to Issue 25! You can find us online by looking up CanadianShareableNews on substack.com As fall starts, questions around respiratory illness arise. Plus, our Senate prepares to review C-293, the Pandemic Prevention & Preparedness Bill (see p. 3), so we have many links to COVID and Vaccine related news. New research comes out so quickly, BUT MAINSTREAM PLATFORMS STAY SILENT, as the story lines/narratives they have been promoting crumble (story lines around the safety of “well-tested” vaccines; the idea that in war, to report on motivations from both sides of a conflict is to be disloyal and to report on peace initiatives is to support the enemy). Governments are struggling to keep up re: unwanted side effects of the COVID-19 mRNA injections. What advice to give to those who are worried? See solid tips linked here: followingthecovidscience.substack.com/p/does-your-provterritorial-health
HOMEGROWN HEROES - Going beyond the call of duty
This is the view of retired AB forensic police officer David Dickson since the early days of the declared COVID-19 pandemic. In a recent interview with Scottish broadcaster, Neil Oliver, Dickson spoke on behalf of seniors in Alberta’s care homes. While the rest of the world outside of the care home walls believes COVID-19 is “old news”, inside many long term care homes, residents still live in isolation, behind locked unit doors, unable to properly understand masked care-givers etc. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Am66KbgHYco&t=3309s
Dickson’s efforts to build awareness of AVOIDABLE DEATHS are seen at avoidabledeathawareness.com/ and his recent attempt to reach AB Premier Smith is outlined here: followingthecovidscience.substack.com/p/david-d-vs-david-c-two-critiques. Dickson regularly analyzes Health Canada data and sees that 2024 is on track to have the HIGHEST EXCESS DEATH RATE in Canadian history. All cause mortality will surpass birth rates this year. dksdata.com/ExcessDeaths To learn more about the tireless efforts of David and his wife Karen, see rumble.com/v4uqiqh-this-mothers-day-remember-what-they-did..html & followingthecovidscience.substack.com/p/david-dickson-pledging-to-never-go & threadreaderapp.com/thread/1833180901871591702.html.
Liberal MP Atwin asking for help in NB
MP Jenica Atwin asked Health Canada to investigate the cluster of mysterious neurological symptoms harming many in New Brunswick. See: followingthecovidscience.substack.com/p/one-liberal-mps-call-to-investigate.
Alberta’s Calgary-Lougheed provincial United Conservative constituency association was heavily critiqued by advocates for COVID-19 injections for daring to give a voice to a number of Canadian researchers and doctors in June 2024. Now it is organizing a repeat event on October 28. The biggest critics were academics whose institutions played a role in nudging the population to “roll up their sleeves to save grandma”. To date, there have not been any formal rebuttals of the data presented at the June event. Neither have there been formal statements on the high number of post-injection fatalities and disabilities. QB scientist, Dr. Denis Rancourt, plans to speak at the 2nd event. In May 2023, Dr. Rancourt explained how his team calculated an estimated 17 million fatalities globally tied to COVID-19 injections, not to the illness itself. nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/witness/denis-rancourt-ottawa/
Updated Flyer for C-19 Vax Info
Childrens’ Health Defense Canada has prepared a printable flyer for easy sharing: https://childrenshealthdefense.ca/wp-content/uploads/CHDC-COVID-19-Vaccine-pamphlet-Printer-Friendly.pdf
Got Questions About Monkey Pox?
Dr. Steven Pelech, co-chair of the Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance, recently published a Situation Report with these points: Mpox is generally not life threatening. It tends not to produce illness in people over 50 years of age, likely due to lasting effects of previous smallpox vaccination. Mpox usually spreads through very close, intimate physical contact and is essentially a venereal disease most predominant in homosexual males. To protect oneself, close skin-to-skin contact with people who have rashes that are typical of Mpox should be avoided. In 2022, the US built a stockpile of nearly 20 million doses of the Bavarian Nordic’s Jynneos (Imvamune) vaccine, a dual-purpose smallpox and Mpox vaccine. There is no completed randomized clinical challenge trial so there are no clear data on its effectiveness for prevention of illness. However, between 1 in 90 to 1 in 6 of vaccine recipients, experienced elevated troponin levels or an abnormal EKG, indicative of heart damage. See www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/featured/monkeypox-situation-update/.
ADDED Sept 10 - this post just went up on the CCCA website in which Dr. Pelech is interviewed about Mpox issues: https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/featured/update-monkeypox-covid-19-and-hpv/
Serving Notice on UN officials re: INVALID Documents
South African lawyer and human rights activist Shabnam Palesa Mohamed has provided a template that can be used by the citizens of the world with reference to the Summit of the Future, being held at the UN from Sept 21-23. Three key points are: the Summit of the Future, the Pact for the Future and related documents are to be declared invalid “due to lack of public knowledge, participation, and informed consent”; Against the standing authority the UN is unlawfully appropriating to manage real or engineered emergencies, outlined in its ‘Common Agenda’; and the UN’s political declaration on pandemics, announced at the 78th UN General Assembly, ignored the more than 11 countries which broke consensus. The template, which can be viewed here: shabnampalesamo.substack.com/p/break-the-silence-un-notice-and-declaration provides readers with plenty of supporting information, including this paragraph: The UN is fully aware that it is only a select group of civil society organisations that interact with the UN or that have a seat at the table. Over decades, even these organisations continue to complain about the lack of inclusion, transparency, and respect afforded to them by the United Nations and its unelected agencies, including the WHO and the IMF. Canadians who share the concern that documents are being signed off using “Silence Procedures” and without any mainstream media coverage at all, are encouraged to reach out to the office of Bob Rae, Canada’s Ambassador to the UN, at this address: prmnycanadaun@international.gc.ca, and to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon Mélanie Joly as well as to their Members of Parliament.
The Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Bill was passed by the House of Commons on June 5, 2024, and is up for second reading in the Senate soon after September 17. It was first proposed in November 2022. Much has been learned since that time. As Canadians increasingly see the ties between Bill C-293 and the global overreach coming out of World Health Organization and the United Nations, they are looking at Bill C-293 with fresh, more critical eyes and are finding the current wording of the Bill totally UNSUITABLE to an evidence-based management of future pandemics and the ability of our health officials to respond to evolving issues within an Canadian context. openparliament.ca/bills/44-1/C-293/; /www.wchcanada.news/p/urgent-canadians-take-action-now; oneclickpolitics.global.ssl.fastly.net/messages/edit; lawyerlisa.substack.com/p/my-open-letter-to-the-senate-parliament
War & Peace
UK Pledges Non-Existent Weapons to Ukraine
As UN officials overseeing the safety of nuclear reactors express concern about shelling around the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (now held by Russia amid resistance from Ukraine) Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister makes this pledge on Sept 6 on X: “Canada has and will always be a friend & ally to Ukraine, and the Ukrainian people. I look forward to working with you as we collectively lead Ukrainians to freedom & victory from Putin.” Bangkok based Brian Berletic, independent geopolitical commentator and ex-US Marine Corps member, explains that the 650 air defence missiles now pledged by the UK have not yet been produced. When they arrive at the end of this year at the earliest, they would likely be used up after only a few Russian air strikes. Meanwhile Ukraine’s Commander-in-Chief General Oleksandr Syrskyi now admits that new conscripts receive only two months of training before being sent to battle and that they are outnumbered by Russian troops. thealtworld.com/anthony_cartalucci/as-ukrainian-lines-crumble-kiev-asks-for-receives-non-existent-missiles & https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/statements/iaea-director-generals-introductory-statement-to-the-board-of-governors-9-september-2024
When Voices from the Global Majority Speak
While Canadian media are silent, UAE based BigNewsNetwork reports on the over 7100 delegates from 75 countries who met for the 9th Eastern Economic Forum. www.bignewsnetwork.com/news/274566016/9th-eastern-economic-forum-concludes-with-over-300-agreements-signed The AP news agency reports PM Ibrahim’s speech from a different angle: apnews.com/article/malaysia-china-south-china-sea-anwar-ibrahim-ba12669dd18cd3a1e2b00a7e5cab9d9e.
Asking for a Ban on CBDCs
A recent federal government document shows the current debate between high vs low anonymity when it comes to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). https://publications.gc.ca/site/eng/9.937196/publication.html In 2022, a Justice Department discussion paper on the needs of legal clinics stated that “Central Bank digital currency is still under investigation by the Central Bank and may be 5 to 10 years from implementation in Canada. It automates the transfer of money between individuals and central banks, and therefore is not dependent on intermediaries like commercial banks and credit unions.” www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/jr/clinics-cliniques/discussion.html. Ever since the Canadian government froze bank accounts of nearly 200 supporters of the Trucker Convoy in 2022, Canadians are leery of letting government bureaucrats have direct access to digital currencies in their bank accounts. This dystopian video in which a person’s account is automatically debited or credited based on his consumer choices, leads many to push back on the idea of CBDCs. www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWkepoLUZfs MB MP Ted Falk has presented Bill C-400 to safeguard the use of cash in Canada. tedfalk.ca/c400/ See also ironwillreport.com/iwr-news-for-august-16th-a-bill-to-ban-cbdcs-in-canada-and-a-petition-2/
ON A LIGHTER NOTE David Jay, AB guitarist
Enjoy the skills of Alberta’s fastest guitarist, self-taught virtuoso David Jay. davidjayguitar.com/media
Is Collective Intelligence a Threat to Individuality? Invitation to a Webinar, Sept 12, 6:30 pm EST
AB tech advisor and change leader Perry Kinkaide writes: We’re living in a time of rapid technological change. From artificial intelligence (AI) that can solve complex problems to CRISPR, a technology that allows scientists to edit genes, the future is full of possibilities. One of the big ideas that’s emerged is “collective intelligence”—the idea that when people work together and share their knowledge, we can solve huge problems on a global scale. But as exciting as this sounds, it raises a question: Can we benefit from collective intelligence without losing the individuality that makes us who we are? Webinar participants include Randal Adcock, the author of Emergent vs. Facilitated Collective Intelligence, mechanical engineer Jeff Krehmer, and community builder Greg MacGillivray. To receive the invitation (and sign up for the KEI Newsletter) see perrykinkaide.com/contact/.
In a recent interview with one of the many volunteers working on the TheyLIED.ca website, Will Dove commented on a key feature of its design. As people slowly come to the realization that certain things they had been led to believe are untrue, it is easy to be overwhelmed. This site allows readers to focus on exploring ONE topic at a time!
Japan links COVID shots to 201 Dangerous Diseases
Fearing that mainstream journalists had somehow been co-opted to prop upgovernment narratives, AB broadcaster Will Dove opened up his own independent news network. The IRON WILL report provides weekly news stories, interviews, insightful deep dives, and even some satire. While paid subscribers access more content, anyone can visit ironwillreport.com/ for a taste of weekly Counter Narrative News.