CSN Week 18 - July 22 - Vol. 1 - Issue 18
When democracies are closing, when a judge needs to fight the legal system, when vax-induced global deaths are surging while GAVI plans to inject more kids & when we add an extra US supplement...
Editor’s Note: we apologize for the error in the Neo-conservative section of the graphic on page 4. It has now been corrected. (July 23)
US Senator Ron Johnson questioned former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) head Dr. Robert Redfield about the COVID-19 mRNA injections. Neither of the big US news wire services (Reuters & AP) mention this, so to learn about this readers turn to other sources such as: lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/stunning-admission-former-cdc-head or twitter.com/AaronSiriSG/status/1811939034564034607. See also: www.hsgac.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/Testimony-Redfield-2024-07-11.pdf. Meanwhile, investigative journalists noting Dr. Redfield’s promotion of the bird flu narrative found he has been receiving payments from Roche and Novovax which advance Bird Flu testing kits and ‘vaccines’. lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/why-has-former-cdc-director-robert
Kamala Harris to face off against Donald Trump
President Joe Biden is passing the baton to his VP. See page 4.
New Study Explains Surge in Global Sudden Deaths
A pre-print study by German researchers awaiting review shows a correlation between COVID mRNA injections and unexplained mortality rates. The authors “are now raising the alarm about the devastating side effects of the shots and calling for governments to launch full investigations into their explosive findings.” lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/german-scientists-confirm-covid-shots
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Welcome to Issue 18!
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Please visit the Letters section of our website to download, adapt and share a letter to media outlets re: Schiller Institute’s Call for "Council of Reason" to push for peace in these perilous times.
EYE on America…
Given current events south of the border, we have added a special USA feature. Note the differences in depth of news coverage of US political developments in the work done by independent journalists and that shared on government and corporate backed ‘mainstream’ outlets.
News Coverage leads to —>
Knowledge —>
—> Choices
—> Actions
—> Global Consequences
HOMEGROWN HEROES - Going beyond the call of duty
In 2021, Halifax NS Judge Rickcola Brinton was willing to undergo daily COVID screening or hear her cases from home after the Chief Judge of Nova Scotia Provincial Court imposed a COVID-19 vaccine mandate on Provincial Court Judges denying court entry to those who did not comply. But these proposals were denied. When Judge Brinton did not declare her vaccination status, her superior wrote Brinton’s physician for information on Judge Brinton’s medical information.
On September 29, 2023 Brinton filed a claim in the provincial supreme court, seeking damages for the intentional violation of her judicial independence and medical privacy. She was also concerned that by not allowing uninjected judges to do their work freely, the courts could be biased when ruling on vaccine related cases (denying EI benefits or university admission to unvaccinated individuals, etc.). There are two related cases before the court. The second is to determine whether the imposition of the vaccine mandate in the court was wrongful. Details are found here: www.jccf.ca/today-court-hears-misconduct-complaint-against-judge-who-imposed-covid-vaccine-mandate/ and on rebelnews.com. Search for “Judge Brinton.”
Fisman Fraud video now also on CCCA.ca
Issue 17 of CSNews included a link to Gina Watteel’s video montage about the downstream impacts of the disinformation deliberately staged by U of T’s Dr. David Fisman. That video can now be found on the webpage of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance. www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/featured/pandemic-of-the-unvaccinated/. Without balanced reporting, when experts go astray, politicians who rely on media reports alone can end up making devastating decisions. Even though Watteel’s critique of Fisman’s fraudulent data was made public in November 2023, now, eight months later, outlets like the CTV who frequently cited him in the past have not reported on this critique of his data. www.ctvnews.ca/search-results/search-ctv-news-7.137?q=%22Dr.+David+Fisman%22
GAVI plans to inject 500 Million more Kids
he Bill & Melinda Gates-backed Global Vaccine Alliance GAVI plans to use a type of DTP vaccine in lower income countries that has been phased out in the Global North in 1997. GAVI also plans to spend $11 million on a world wide push to vaccinate children who “missed” routine vaccines. This is criticized by paediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas, the author of a study “comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children, argued success should be measured on the overall health of the population, not vaccination rates. ‘The less we vaccinate, the healthier the population.’ ” lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/prominent-pediatrician-raises-alarm
No School Vax Mandate possible in Canada
“The Canadian government publicly states above that vaccines cannot be made mandatory based on the Canadian Constitution. The government had to provide exemptions, so for parents being threatened with school suspensions, know there is no such thing as a vaccine mandate to attend school if there are exemptions.” From: childrenshealthdefense.ca/news/public-health-agency-of-canada-stated-immunization-cannot-be-made-mandatory-because-of-the-canadian-constitution/
Supreme Court finds Gov Liable for Bad Laws
The CBC reported that: “The Supreme Court of Canada has confirmed the federal government does not have absolute immunity from liability when Parliament enacts laws that are later overturned as unconstitutional. The ruling says the decision is meant to strike a balance between ‘the protection of constitutional rights and the need for effective government.’ This affirms an earlier 2002 ruling. See https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/pardons-mackin-supreme-court-joseph-power-1.7269226.
Special Feature - EYE ON AMERICA
(Editor’s Note) What many perceive as an ideological divide in the USA, may more readily be described as a difference of information sources. While followers of MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow are being told that the new Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance has “far right” tendencies because he and his former boss Peter Thiel have named their companies after elements of the fantasy book series “Lord of the Rings” those who follow the work of investigative journalist Whitney Webb are gleaning a much different understanding of the implications of a JD Vance vice-presidency. Vance’s former mentor and founder of Palentir Enterprises is once again a major Trump donor. This has implications for Trump’s stated aim of ending wars, as Palentir is a major military contractor. Thiel may be seeking a return on his investment. Webb’s encyclopedic knowledge of aspects of the bio-security state, its major players, the money flows, the implications for the privatization of military, security, surveillance and data collection go far beyond Maddow’s imaginative speculation. Kudos to comedians like Jimmy Dore for inviting Webb onto their platforms to educate citizens where mainstream media are silent or simply sidelined.
Canadian investigative journalist, Matthew Ehret, provides a look back to the era of the attempted banker’s coup on the US President in the 1930s. Entitled “Why assume there will be a 2024 election?” the film explains the ties between the US banking oligarchy of the time and the fascist government of Italy’s Benito Mussolini. It highlights how the highly decorated General Smedley Butler was recruited to participate in the plot and how his loyalty to the values of the American constitution prevented that government takeover. See: canadianpatriot.org/2024/07/14/why-assume-there-will-be-a-2024-election-americas-1934-bankers-coup-plot-revisited-2/
Political Culture - ideas, attitudes & beliefs (a desire for stability, predictability, strong institutions = Traditionalism; an admiration for self-reliance, suspicion of institutions = Individualism; a strong support of formal community action, including strong regulatory system and “social safety nets” = Moralism) www.slideserve.com/manasa/political-culture-and-ideology
Ideology - a set of specific ideas and beliefs advocating a coherent plan for specific social, political or economic action that are explained by those ideas & beliefs.
Examples of Political Ideologies (from ‘far left’ to ‘far right’)
Communism = classless, stateless society, communal ownership (J Trudeau’s Post-Nation State + WEF “You will own nothing.”)
Socialism = varying degrees of government ownership of the means of production (gov. owned Air Canada, Petro Canada, provincial liquor boards under P Trudeau)
Communitarianism = the good of the collective supersedes individual rights (“Do your part for all.”)
Liberalism = giving government the power necessary to protect individual liberty but also preventing those who govern from abusing that power.
Conservatism = values tradition and order with a minimum degree of government involvement in the economy (Free trade agreements to reduce government ‘red-tape’.)
Statism = a strong (taxpayer funded) state that guides policy and creates investment & growth through authority yet steps back from the action, not funding activist programs.
Libertarianism = very limited gov. only to protect constitutional rights
Fascism/Corporatism = government functions carried out by corporations
New Voices Overlooked
Receiving very little mainstream coverage in Canada (only 2 articles at globalnews.ca) US entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy ran for the leadership of the Republican Party in November 2023. His supporters were impressed with how he responded to the question of white supremacy: “Stop picking on this farce of some figment that exists in some infinitesimally small fringe of the American public today to open our eyes to the actual real threats that we face. And I think that it’s frankly questions and framings like that that has caused the American public to loose all trust in the mainstream media, I’m sorry to say for good reason.” www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/01/03/ramaswamy_vs_washington_post_reporter_im_not_going_to_recite_some_catechism_for_you_to_condemn_white_supremacy.html
Third Party Candidates - Who are they?
Now that the Republicans have Donald Trump and JD Vance on their ticket, speculations abound as to whether anyone will still run against Kamala Harris as the Democratic Presidential Nominee and if not, who will be picked as her running mate. In the meantime, Americans can familiarize themselves with the platforms of the four other candidates in the race Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornell West, Jill Stein and Chase Oliver here: www.cnn.com/interactive/2024/politics/presidential-candidates-dg/ (Not on Canada’s CBC.)
Popular US TV host Dr. Phil interviews RFK Jr. who provides viewers with an in-depth look at the interconnected interests of the tech, biomedical, military, energy and other industries. “When you do this litigation you get a PhD in corporate capture and how to unravel it.” They also discuss the “perception problem” that RFK Jr. appears to have when speaking to those who don’t take the time to read the backstory on many of his statements. Those who consume long form media (like podcasts) are more supportive of the data he shares. www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIf8atKfXNw&t=272s
Speculation re: VP choice for Kamala Harris
See: https://www.newsweek.com/who-could-kamala-harris-vice-president-candidates-1927297
Power of the Deep State
Contrary to promises made prior to election, once in place, a President is beholden to many powerful forces that seek to shape policies in their interests.
Closing Democracies
In 2008, Dr. Naomi Wolf outlined the ten steps democratic societies pass through on their way to becoming fascist dictatorships. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_End_of_America:_Letter_of_Warning_to_a_Young_Patriot In 2021, she found that Western societies were reaching Step 10. nexusnewsfeed.com/article/human-rights/naomi-wolf-we-ve-reached-step-ten-of-the-10-steps-to-fascism/ Here are examples of subverting the rule of law, targeting key individuals for arbitrary detention and controlling the press:
THE IMPRISONMENT OF STEVE BANNON (Pres. Trump’s former political advisor) naomiwolf.substack.com/p/what-time-it-is
THE IMPRISONMENT OF DR. REINER FUELLMICH, (plaintiff’s lead attorney in the VW Diesel Scandal; lead of the German Corona Investigative Committee, lead of a new pro-democracy political party Die Basis) Government documents from August 2021described him as: “a potential threat to public security and the democratic order of the Federal Republic of Germany. Due to his public statements, political ambitions and the mobilization of a significant following, a detailed assessment of his actions and the resulting influence on the social climate is necessary.” elsaiselsa.substack.com/cp/146769842
THE POLICE RAID ON & CLOSING OF a critical magazine in Germany truthsummit.substack.com/p/dark-days-in-germany-ever-darker
War & Peace
In a recent conversation of the International Peace Coalition (IPC), the Schiller Institute invited a range of elder statesmen & women to voluntarily step forward and form a “Council of Reason” as a counterbalance to the “strategy of tension” being followed by the USA, the EU, NATO etc. “Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary started an exploratory mission to Kyiv, Moscow and Beijing, and found that the road to diplomacy does exist. We therefore call on Elder Statesmen, religious leaders, former diplomats and elected officials, retired military and other civilian leaders—from all nations—to step forward and create a Council of Reason to explore the potential for a new international security and development architecture, which can take into account the interests of every single country on the planet.” Other Initiatives of the Schiller Institute, under the leadership of Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the German wife of the late US economist Lyndon LaRouche include a petition and letter campaign with this message: “Current U.S./NATO policy regarding Ukraine is headed to war with Russia and nuclear WWIII. Nothing involved in ostensible ‘defense of Ukraine can justify the risk of wiping out the human race in a nuclear holocaust.” Sources: various recent posts including: schillerinstitute.com/blog/2024/07/20/international-peace-coalition-seeks-a-council-of-reason-to-rescue-a-violent-world/ and other recent posts. See schillerinstitute.com/international-peace-coalition/ to sign up to participate in weekly IPC meetings.
Contrasting Voices in the European Union
Former German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen was reelected to a second five-year term as president of the European Commission. She had been promoting the idea of turning the EU into a military defence union essentially following a confrontational path to foreign policy. Meanwhile, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán recently assumed the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. In his first week in this role, he has visited leaders in Ukraine, Russia and China seeking pathways to diplomacy.
The recent documentary Where Olive Trees Weep, featuring Palestinian BBC reporter Ashira Dawish, Israeli journalist Amira Hass and Hungarian-Canadian physician (and Holocaust survivor) Dr. Gabor Maté, provides much-needed context into the ongoing occupation of Palestine. https://whereolivetreesweep.com/about/. Especially when techniques of dehumanization, repeated victimization and misleading maps are tools regularly used in the Israeli education system to ensure the cycle of violence continues. www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7cgzz5W8uM
VITAMIN D Activities
nterested Canadians can tally up their kilometres run, biked, paddled this summer and add them to VitaMan D’s campaign. This is a continuation of Dr. Kanji Nakatsu’s awareness campaign and all are invited to join in. See areyougettingenough.info/
for details on the role Vitamin D insufficiency plays in illness, for a petition urging Health Canada to promote Vitamin D sufficiency as a pillar of public health, and for details on the Vitamin D symposia on November 1 & 2.
Biking for Kids’ Cancer
So far 959 teams are cycling to raise funds for this great cause set to occur from August 1-31. See greatcyclechallenge.ca/ to register to participate or to donate to existing teams.
Finally, we caught up with Shawn Jason and the DRUTHERS bus on this Facebook page: www.facebook.com/shawnjason Great to see the tour has been successful thus far, with recent stops in Calgary, Edmonton and points in between. One such stop was the famed “Whistle Stop Cafe”. Hear owner Chris Scott explain his experiences with mandates here: nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/witness/chris-scott/
The authors of the “Make Me Better” self help videos and blog posts recommend seeking clarity as a first step to moving forward in life.
www.makemebetter.net/the-power-of-clarity/ www.youtube.com/channel/UCFf_Y1saSi2oVZNs2BbN0XQ
Many people are also seeking clear explanations to help them understand current events and societal trends in order to prevent the inertia that comes from being overwhelmed and to make themselves less susceptible to propaganda. We highlight two examples below.
HISTORY COMES IN PATTERNS In an interview with Iranian-American entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David, the US demographer Neil Howe discusses recurring historical patterns or “turnings” as well as “generational archetypes”. For generations there has been a swinging back and forth between a focus on building institutions to support the collective and on periods of individualism. www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVzmKpw_ges&t=10s
SEEING CANADA AS A “POST-NATIONAL” STATE Citizen Journalists Jody Ledgerwood & Cris Vleck discuss the implications of PM Justin Trudeau’s stated commitment to have Canada become “post-nationalist.” This requires erasing national identity and more: rumble.com/v4a5u76-trudeaus-post-national-state.html
Treading where few choose to go, the team at TFM Report provide excellent research & analysis of crucial topics at www.tfmreport.com/m, rumble.com/c/TFMReport & fringemajority.substack.com/. Topics include transhumanism, carbon colonization, financial reset, depopulation, MAID. Extensive documentation is provided.