CSN Week 13 - June 17 - Vol. 1 - Issue 13
When politicians gaslight instead of respect, when governments pull at our heartstrings & hide data, when wars are fought over corporate interests, when the media don't do their job and more...
NOTE: We remind readers to visit the Reference Material and Letters sections at the top of the screen for new content posted there related to some of the stories in recent issues.
Kim Iverson made these comments on June 9, in reference to US Rep. Senator Lindsay Graham’s statements about the wealth of mineral resources in eastern Ukraine. She continued as follows: They’re saying oh it's about democracy. We have to preserve democracy and then they cancel elections. They say “Oh, it's about democracy, it's totally about democracy.” And then they say “Well actually it’s about the 10 to 12 trillion dollars in critical minerals.” So … I hope that this is somewhat of a wake-up call to people. I mean one can hope even if this turns the minds of just a few. It takes a few… every day and if we just get a few every day then we get more and more people to open up their eyes to this … gaslighting of the American people that the military industrial complex and its enablers have been doing to us for decades, decade after decade after decade..this is just another showcasing of the hypocrisy, the Ridiculousness of all of this. See www.youtube.com/watch?v=60CapPIxOpU (at the 10:18 mark) & page 3.
German High Court to Hear Case against Public Broadcaster re: Lack of Balanced Reporting
Germans tired of paying a Public Broadcaster Tax are watching the progress of a single case through the German courts. The German constitution requires public broadcasters to present a diversity of perspectives independently of government positions. An appeal of a provincial court ruling in favour of the public broadcaster will now be heard by a federal court. Publicly funded broadcasters are bound to ensure a multiplicity of viewpoints and ensure their reporting does not lean heavily in the government’s direction. canadianshareablenews.substack.com/p/15-questions-re-media-ethics-being
On page 4
Find us here…
Welcome, after a dozen issues, we are now on to the first of a new dozen, Issue 13!! You can find us online here: canadianshareablenews.substack.com/. New this week: look under Letters to find and modify the letter to Canadian Senators re: Bill C-263 (Pandemic Preparedness) Consider sending your own messages to Senators if the topic moves you! (Re: Issue 12)
There is a scuffle going on in Saskatchewan. Should a Premier challenge and shut down citizen concerns? See p. 4 and the Letters section of the webpage where we learn about Canada’s Values and Ethics Code of the Public Sector. See also:
15 Questions for the PRESS
A project of the Lighthouse Media Evolution Project in Germany. That plus information shared by the Geopolitical Economy Research Group on Ukraine makes this another powerful issue! Enjoy. And Share!
HOMEGROWN HEROES - Going beyond the call of duty
This week, Chris Carbert, a Lethbridge contractor and Tony Olienick, a small construction company owner from Stavely AB, have been sitting in leg shackles on a metal bench in a Lethbridge courtroom, a change from the detention centres in which they have been locked up for over TWO YEARS, sometimes even in solitary confinement. Originally four “salt of the earth” southern Alberta men, known as the Coutts Four, were arrested in Alberta on allegations that they had conspired to murder police officers. Not allowed out on bail, the men have been treated as “guilty until proven innocent” which is a complete reversal of the principles on which the Canadian justice system was built. Earlier, two of the four agreed to plead guilty on lesser charges in order to buy their release and be reunited with family. A key question of the case: Were the men conspiring to bring weapons to the Coutts protest area, or was it a plan to bring in hockey equipment, an electric guitar, and toy trucks for the kids at the protest which was overheard and misinterpreted by others? www.newsweek.com/meet-four- men-being-held-political-prisoners- canada-opinion-1831823; autonomoustruckers.substack.com/ p/coutts-four-trial-resource-mega- list; https://www.youtube.com/
Asking what is in deodorants and antiperspirants and noting how chemicals applied to the skin end up in the lymph nodes, former President of the Naturopathic Cancer Society Dr. Colleen Huber presents a novel theory on breast cancer in her Substack. Over half of breast cancers are found in the upper outer quadrant of the breast. Dr. Huber explains the role of lactic acids secreted during exercise on these chemicals. She explains: “irrefutable causation was established between exercise / physical activity and breast cancer survival.” See more here:
Who Cares for the Caregivers?
US medical journalist Howard Wolinsky has been supporting patients with low risk prostrate cancer through his Substack. He recently featured the book Stand By Me by physcho-oncologist Allison Applebaum, Ph.D., who states: “ A fter an intense period of caregiving, it’s not unusual for a caregiver’s health to worsen” and diabetes, high blood pressure, even post-traumatic stress disorder may follow.
In Canada, caregivers can reach out to provincial support groups or www.carerscanada.ca/advocacy-action/ or canadiancaregiving.org/. See also: howardwolinsky.substack.com/p/stand-by-me-anthem-for-our-generations.
More Live-In Caregivers Planned
The federal government announced a pilot program to allow more new immigrants to receive permanent residency through a new pilot live-in caregiver program, citing that only 1% of the “inventory” of live-in caregivers remains in Canada from the 60,000 who filled that role 10 years ago. www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees- citizenship/news/2024/06/canada-announces-new-pilot-programs-to- support-caregivers-and-canadian-families.html
In Memoriam - One Week in Canada
Media Studies professor Mark Crispin Miller and a team of volunteers have scanned obituaries for the words “died suddenly”. From June 3 to June 10, 187 deaths were tallied in Ontario alone, most in working age.
This finding matches the pattern traced in May 2023 by financial analyst Edward Dowd - a topic not reported on yet by “Canada’s trusted news leader” aka The Canadian Press. Details here: nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/witness/edward-dowd/.
Content: https://newcoldwar.org/takeover-of-ukraines-agricultural-land/;
https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/28/zelenskyy-blackrock-ceo-fink-agree-to-coordinate-ukraine-investment.html; https://ukraineinvest.gov.ua/en/
Original map from: https://wikitravel.org/upload/shared/0/0f/Ukraine_regions_map.png
(Editor’s Note: The locations of the corporate icons do not necessarily correlate with the part of Ukraine in which the company is located. The cited resources indicated which corporations play a significant role in Ukraine - not necessarily in which region of the country. The corporate logos have been scattered so as to leave geographical names legible where possible.)
U of M prof criticized
University of Manitoba professor Radhika Desai (also co-founder of GERG) was criticized by the CBC, as well as by a former student when she attended a forum organized by the Russian Valdai Discussion Club, just days after the Canadian government put the club on its list of Russian organizations to be sanctioned. As outlined by Dimitri Lascaris, Prof. Desai was able to ask Russian President Vladimir Putin two questions, one of which later led to the release of Russian dissident Boris Kagarlitsky. dimitrilascaris.org/2023/12/20/russian-dissident-freed-after-intervention-by-canadian-professor-radhika-desai/; https://themanitoban.com/2023/10/u-of-m-prof-soft-on-putin/45811/; https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/1.6996282
The Takeover of Ukraine’s Agricultural Land
The Geopolitical Economy Research Group (GERG) is an influential policy research institute, conducting high quality research and analysis dealing with nations and their relation to the world economy. In July, 2023, GERG posted a report highlighting foreign ownership of rich Ukrainian agricultural land. newcoldwar.org/ takeover-of-ukraines-agricultural-land/ Meanwhile, Ukraine’s investment promotion office “unlocked nearly $4 billion in foreign direct investment.” ukraineinvest.gov.ua/en/services-team/. On June 9, 2024, US Senator Lindsay Graham spoke about the rich resource base in eastern Ukraine, likening it to a “gold mine”. He implied that instead of continuously given Ukraine more US military supply, Ukraine could trade resources for weaponry. geopoliticaleconomy.com/ 2024/06/13/ukraine-12-trillion-minerals-west-china-russia/
Emergency Press Conference held June 12
This event was convened by the Schiller Institute to present the imminent danger of nuclear war to an American audience. Key speakers were former military intelligence professionals. As a possible solution, “Ten Principles For a New Security and Development Architecture were proposed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche. schillerinstitute.com/blog/2024/06/13/schiller-institute-holds-explosive-press-conference-at-the-national-press-club-on-the-danger-of-nuclear-war/
SASKATCHEWAN NDP Leader urges Gaslighting
Two different visions of Leadership are emerging in Saskatchewan. NDP Opposition Leader Hon. Carla Beck has chastised Premier Scott Moe for appearing open to concerns expressed by citizens around the bioweapons aspect of the COVID-19 injections and about the toxic nature of chemtrails. According to Hon. Beck, the mark of a true leader is to push back against such concerns. Meanwhile, the Values and Ethics Code of the Public Sector has Respect for Democracy and Respect for People at the top of the requirements for public servants. See more here: canadianshareablenews.substack.com/ p/when-an-opposition-leader-suggests
Recalling Vape Disease
Garland Nixon is a former US police officer and adjunct professor of criminal justice now podcasting on current events. He presents a compelling look at the timeline of what was first reported in the US as a “mysterious vape disease” and how that relates to the COVID crisis.
Nixon’s talks contain lots of insight explained in terms that can easily be understood. www.youtube.com/watch? v=GFTGV4v-elI
According to the DRUTHERS YouTube channel, the traveling crew has arrived in New Brunswick and enjoyed ballads, drumming, and hospitality in a place called Salisbury. Enjoy! www.youtube.com/@DRUTHERS Westward ho!
BC FOI request shows C-19 vax data hidden
A 1,315-page report shows information shared among staff of British Columbia’s Centre for Disease Control and Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Bonnie Henry indicating COVID-19 injections were 16 x more dangerous than flu shots. The data on Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFIs) was kept from the public.
See virologist Dr. Byram Bridle’s reaction here:
Corruption in the Road Building Industry?
A relatively unknown independent journalist has looked into the back history of a well known federal Liberal Infrastructure Minister, now mayor of the City of Edmonton. Mocha Bezirgan’s investigation of Amarjeet Sohi’s connection to his brother’s trucking business in Alberta, enormous missing piles of aggregate (gravel) near Regina SK, billions of dollars unaccounted for, a secret trip, and intricate flow charts showing relationships between many people and organizations, make for fascinating viewing. Lovers of true crime dramas might be fascinated by this young journalist’s work. See www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGgXwaqVwGw&t=2s & www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZMgpi5py-8
When independent investigative journalist Mocha Bezirgan first launched his media website in May 2023, he was getting just over 50 views. A recent post a year later, garnered him 750 views. Bezirgan tackles corruption in politics, reporting on infrastructure, police & justice matters breaking the news not heard elsewhere. He even got the attention of legal scholar Dr. Gary Botting who said: “You are an example of where good journalism should be going.” x.com/BezirganMocha/status/1801289186848456876/.
See www.mediabezirgan.com/ or follow @BezirganMocha.